Niko Gaffga, MD, FAAFP, MPH

Niko Gaffga, MD, FAAFP, MPH

Dr. Niko Gaffga, MD, FAAFP, MPH (he/him) is a family medicine physician working in the primary care outpatient setting in the Atlanta area. He graduated in 2005 from the Family Medicine Residency program at the University of Arizona where he received training in pediatric medicine, adult medicine, women’s health, and delivered more than 100 babies. Over the years he has developed interest and expertise in women’s health and designing innovative strategies to deliver high quality health care to women. He has worked in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Africa and has become a strong proponent of improving the Menstrual Experience.

The idea for this course was born many years ago when he realized limitations many clinicians, including himself, has in providing effective Menstrual Health to our patients. Although he has never experienced a Menstrual Cycle himself, he has dedicated his career to listening to the words and experiences of his patients. He uses his knowledge as a generalist physician to identify effective Menstrual Solutions from diverse areas of medicine. He believes that improving the Menstrual Experience is fundamental to helping women and men who menstruate to participate in the activities they wish to participate in. It also makes society a richer place to receive the benefit of their contributions. He developed this course to share the knowledge and experience he has developed over the years. He want to be a spark for participants to re-envision the Menstrual Cycle and improve their own Menstrual Experience and that of their patients.

Outside of work he enjoys spending time with his family, playing tennis, listening to music, spending time in nature, and taking courses from the Teaching Company.