My experience at Biomechanical Assessment of the Hip and Pelvis


Janna Trottier, PT, DPT, CSCS recently attended our Biomechanical Assessment of the Hip and Pelvis in Tampa, FL, taught by Steve Dischiavi, MPT, DPT, ATC, COMT, CSCS. Here's what she had to say about this course:

Last month I attended the course “Biomechanical Assessment of the Hip and Pelvis.” It was created and instructed by Steve Dischiavi, MPT, DPT, ATC, COMT, CSCS. I was drawn to the program because I was looking for an SI course that was comprehensive including evaluation and treatment as well as a functional application for treatments. It was advertised through Herman and Wallace.

I have been an orthopedic/sports physical therapist for 15 years and have been specializing in OB physical therapy for 6 years. I was interested in expanding my knowledge of core stability into functional movements. I was also intrigued that this “Women’s Health” course was going to be taught by a male who was a Sports Physical Therapist/Athletic Trainer for the Florida Panthers NHL Hockey Team as well as a private practice owner. There are also very few Women’s Health courses available in South Florida where I practice.

Immediately from his introduction, Steve drew the connection between myofasical stability and pelvic pain. All of the other course participants were female pelvic therapists with the exception of my husband who is an orthopedic sports physical therapist. This was fantastic because it allowed for great discussion about treatment techniques specific to Women’s Health.

I have been to many great SI and Women’s Health courses over the years and usually the goal is to take home 1-2 clinical pearls to use in your practice. However after this course with Steve, I felt as though I came away with an entire day full of “pearls”. I enjoyed that this course was not entirely pelvic floor based, butstill completely relevant to the Women’s Health population. He really focused on functional movement and evaluation for SI instability and lumbar core stability as well as incorporating many different treatment philosophies while blending his own.

The day after the course, I returned to my clinic and used his techniques on a 75 year old male patient with LE strength and stability dysfunction. Within the first treatment, there was marked improvement in his gait stability. After 2 treatments, he was able to leave his cane at home! It was really fantastic that I was able to utilize Steve’s techniques immediately in the clinic with rapid results. This was especially exciting since clinicians are encouraged to make fast improvement with declining visit limits. I have since been using Steve’s theories with many different patient populations – but especially our Women’s Health population. I would highly recommend Steve’s course to any practicing Women’s Health therapist as well as any orthopedic physical therapist.

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