Pelvic Floor Level 1 coming to the UK!

Herman & Wallace is excited to announce that we will be offering a Pelvic Floor Level One course this year in Birmingham, UK!

This course will be hosted at Coventry University and taught by Michelle Lyons, PT, MISCP.? Unlike our usual PF1 courses, the Birmingham course will be a two-day event, starting on November 30th.

Michelle, who is based in Ireland, had this to say about the course ?[Pelvic Floor Level One is] is of the highest quality and the clinical usefulness is immediately applicable?I worked with Siv on teaching PF1 in Belfast in February of this year - it was a big success and there is nothing of comparable quality being taught in England so we thought the time was right. ?Gerard Greene, who will be organising the course, is a fantastic clinician himself, and recognises the importance of assessment and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction in promoting women's health.?

H&W has made an effort to offer courses outside the U.S.? As we discussed in a previous Pelvic Rehab Report, this September, Founder Holly Herman will be teaching a course in Chile.

Michelle frequently teaches around the world.? About the prospect of teaching this course, she had this to say:

?I love teaching! ?I am very passionate about women's health, especially pelvic health, and to share this information with other clinicians and see them get excited about this work is such a reward for me. ?I have taught all over the world - Europe, the US, Canada and the Middle East, but I am especially happy to bring this work to England. ?I have been a PT for twenty years, working in a variety of clinical settings and I really believe the PT'?s in the UK will appreciate the magnitude with which we can help women with pelvic floor dysfunction - we really do change people's lives with our work.?

Personally, we want to thank Michelle for all her hard work in organizing and teaching this course.? Thanks so much for all your hard work Michelle!

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