By Ana Orozco on Monday, 09 June 2014
Category: Institute News

Sandy Gibson - Featured Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner

In our weekly feature section, Pelvic Rehab Report is proud to present this interview with newly certified practitioner Sandy Gibson PT, PRPC

Describe your clinical practice.

Hospital-based Outpatient Rehabilitation clinic. I provide care to all types of Pelvic Rehabilitation Dysfunctions including men and women, obstetric related musculoskeletal pain, continence issues, bowel and bladder dysfunction as well as treating all orthopedic related issues for all patients.

I am leader of Special Interest Group in Kansas City area. Therapist from around the city gather to share and learn information related to Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation, and it’s also a great resource to refer patients to therapist close to home or work to allow easy access to services.

What/who inspired you to become involved in pelvic rehabilitation?

In 1999 there was a push to increase the number of therapists involved in Pelvic Rehabilitation for the corporation that I was employed by at the time. Personally, I was having some issues as I recently had been pregnant and delivered my third child. I decided I could learn to help myself. It was so helpful! I was very motivated to market the program so that I could share this in order to help other women.

What role do you see pelvic health playing in general well-being?

The pelvic floor is the CORE to our well being. If the Pelvic Floor isn’t functioning correctly, one can experience problems with spine, bowel and bladder function, sexual function, and progressive dysfunction. I would love to see therapists be able to offer more preventive education so that patients don’t have to suffer unnecessarily.

What advice would you give to physical therapists interested in earning PRPC?

The courses that Herman and Wallace offer will provide you with information you need to treat patients effectively and obtain PRPC.

What is in store for you in the future?

I hope to continue to learn. I am in the process of hosting Herman & Wallace Bowel Dysfunction course at our facility so that I can continue to stay up to date on the newest information, but it will also allow other therapists in area to take these courses in location close to home.

Learn more about Sandy Gibson PT, PRPC at her Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner bio page. You can also learn more about the Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification at