By Ana Orozco on Thursday, 28 August 2014
Category: Institute News

Janelle Trippany - Featured Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner

In our weekly feature section, Pelvic Rehab Report is proud to present this interview with newly certified practitioner Janelle Trippany PT, DPT, CLT-LANA, PRPC

How did you get involved in the pelvic rehabilitation field?

I knew that I wanted to treat the pelvic floor as soon as I attended the 3 hour lecture regarding this niche of rehab while I was earning my DPT. The woman giving the lecture was so knowledgeable and so passionate about what she was doing with her life. I was fortunate enough to be able to have my last 12 week clinical with a woman who specialized in pelvic rehab, and from there I was completely sold. Unlike many others in this field, I went straight into a job in a women’s health clinic. While I have moved on from there to my current job, I will always continue to be involved in the pelvic rehabilitation field.

Describe your clinical practice:

I work in an outpatient physical therapy clinic located in a small, community hospital on the southern outskirts of Chicago. I am the only pelvic rehabilitation specialist and I treat a wide variety of patients. Most frequently I see patients with urinary incontinence and women with pre/postnatal complaints. Our hospital also features a breast cancer treatment center. I am a Certified Lymphedema Therapist with a LANA certification, so I treat patients with lymphedema as well. There are many times where these two specialties overlap and I consider myself fortunate to be able to help people achieve their goals and be their best selves.

What inspired you to become involved in pelvic rehabilitation?

I have always wanted to be an advocate for women. There are so many times when a patient comes to me as a last resort, when she has been told over and over that there is nothing that can be done to help her. She has been told that her problem is a result of her age or because she’s had too many children and that she just has to get used to it. To me, that is unacceptable. I want women to know that there is help, that someone does care that they are too embarrassed to leave their house because they have fecal incontinence or are unable to have intercourse because they are in too much pain. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity and resources to participate in this kind of physical therapy.

What motivated you to earn PRPC?

I believe that knowledge is power. And with knowledge comes understanding and then, hopefully, change. If we want to modify the way our current health care system treats individuals with these issues, we have to educate as many people as possible. With this certification, I now provide education to patients, physicians and other healthcare professionals as a distinguished expert in my field. I think professional certifications, such as the PRPC, are necessary to promote progress for this discipline in healthcare.

Learn more about Janelle Trippany PT, DPT, CLT-LANA, PRPC at her Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner bio page. You can also learn more about the Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification at