By Ana Orozco on Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Category: Institute News

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment and Nutrition for Managing the Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

This post was written by H&W instructor Megan Pribyl. Megan will be teaching NutritionPerspectivesfor the Pelvic Rehab Therapist in June 2015!

Curiosity and innovation: the spark and the journey towards a broad understanding of conditions of complex etiology. These words are the driving force behind the creation of a new Herman & Wallace course entitled “Nutrition Perspectives for the Pelvic Rehab Therapist”.

The connection between nutrition and rehabilitation outcomes is at the beginnings of elucidation. An Italian article published in September / October 2014 entitled “What about OMT and Nutrition for Managing the Irritable Bowel Syndrome? An Overview and Treatment Plan” is an example of this emerging integration. The article describes in detail one of the common diagnoses encountered by the pelvic rehab therapist and artfully describes an integrated approach for treatment using both manual therapy techniques (termed osteopathic manipulative treatment) and nutritional guidance. The critical components of the "microbiota-brain-gut" axis are addressed. The conclusion drawn is that combining OMT with appropriate nutrition appears to be an optimal approach in IBS and might represent a promising strategy. Research is emerging en-masse about “microbiota-brain-gut” connections and how it relates to far-reaching aspects of health. Not surprisingly, one of the most influential factors on the status of gut health is nutrition.

As rehabilitation professionals, how does this research influence our practice? Is it within our scope of practice to address nutrition? In a course designed to connect the dots, these questions and very direct connections between dietary components and physical manifestations will be explored with the ultimate goal of elevating our practice and profession for optimal outcomes in rehabilitation.

If you are looking for an excellent way to enhance your understanding of nutrition as it relates to pelvic rehabilitation practice, mark your calendar for the inaugural presentation of “Nutrition Perspectives for the Pelvic Rehab Therapist” June 6 & 7, 2015 in Seattle, WA.


Collebrusco, L., & Lombardini, R. (2014). What About OMT and Nutrition for Managing the Irritable Bowel Syndrome? An Overview and Treatment Plan. Explore (NY), 10(5), 309-318. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2014.06.005