By Holly Tanner, PT, DPT, MA, OCS, WCS, PRPC, LMP, BCB-PMD, CCI on Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Category: Institute News

What are the Alternatives to Hysterectomy?

While hysterectomy is the second most common surgery performed on women; hysterectomy rates in the US have been declining as awareness improves about minimally invasive alternatives. According to the National Women's Health Network (NWHN hysterectomy may be associated with increased risk of heart attack, surgical complications, urinary dysfunction, fistula, UTI's, sexual dysfunction, depression, and hormonal deficiencies. The NWHN describes medical necessity for hysterectomy as occurring in cases of invasive cancer, unmanageable infection or bleeding, and uterine rupture or other serious peripartum complications.

What can a woman do as an alternative to surgery? For fibroids, medication, laser ablation, cryosurgery, and myomectomy may be options available to a woman. For precancerous cells or non-cancerous growths, a LEEP procedure or cryosurgery can be performed, or a partial rather than a complete hysterectomy can be completed. Endometrial ablation or dilation and curettage (D&C) can be used to remove the lining of abnormal tissue. Endometroisis may be managed with laparoscopy, pain medication, and hormone therapy, and symptoms of a uterine prolapse may be aided by a pessary, suspension surgery, or by pelvic rehabilitation. (Hysterectomy, 2005)

In an article by Solnik and Munro (2014) indications and alternatives to hysterectomy are discussed. The authors emphasize that the physician must make every effort to determine the true etiology of the patient's pain, and they caution that women who have chronic pelvic pain "…should be counseled against hysterectomy…" In the clinical practice of the pelvic rehabilitation provider, there is value in being aware of the alternatives to the extent that we can present the current options available to a patient. Directing women to discuss alternatives to hysterectomy with their medical providers may be helpful, and directing women to websites such as the National Women's Health Network or can allow the patient to explore options for herself.

If you are interested in learning more about advanced concepts in pelvic rehabilitation such as clinical reasoning regarding patients who are candidates for hysterectomy or conservative care for symptom management, the PF3 Course in the pelvic floor series is an excellent class. Click here to find out when you can sign up for this popular course!


Hysterectomy. (2014). Retrieved April 16, 2014 from

SOLNIK, M. J., & MUNRO, M. G. (2014). Indications and Alternatives to Hysterectomy.Clinical obstetrics and gynecology,57(1 14-42.