Practice Information:
HWHM Education
Cambridge, MA
Facebook: @HWHMeducation
Hollis Herman is a Doctor of Physical Therapy. She is board certified in the following: Physical therapy, Orthopedics, Women’s Health, Biofeedback, and Pelvic Rehabilitation. Hollis is an ISSWSH Fellow in Women’s Sexual Health and certified as a Sexual Counselor from the American Association for Sexual Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. Holly is one, of only two, certified AASECT Sexual Counselors and physical therapists in the world, and is one of three in the world to be an ISSWSH Women's Sexual Health Fellow and physical therapist.
Hollis maintains a full-time physical therapy private practice in Cambridge, MA. She works with patients throughout the lifespan that have urinary, colorectal, sexual medicine, orthopedic, and OB/Gyn disorders. Holly brings her own courses to the US, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Chile, Canada, Portugal, Brazil, UAE Saudi Arabia, and Australia through HWHMeducation.
Hollis is the author of How to Raise Children Without Breaking Your Back, has book chapters in major physical therapy textbooks and numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals. She is a reviewer for the Journal of Sexual Medicine, Urologic Nursing and the APTA Section on Women’s Health Journal.
Holly co-founded the Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute in 2005 with Kathe Wallace. Though she is no longer associated with the institute, she continues to contribute as a board member with many health foundations and loves her profession.