Erin Glace, MSPT, PRPC (Chesapeake, VA)

Erin Glace, MSPT, PRPCErin Glace is the clinical director of the Physical Therapy and Urodynamics departments at Urology of Virginia in Virginia Beach, VA. Erin is a graduate of University of Florida with her bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy and a graduate of Old Dominion University with an advanced master’s degree in Physical Therapy. She takes an active role in educating the medical community regarding the physical therapists role in treating pelvic floor dysfunction. She has presented at the Society for International Urologists on PT for Pelvic Pain, Primary Care Physician training programs for Urology, Grand Rounds at local hospitals and presented an Abstract at the American Urological Association on PT for Chronic Orchalgia (May 2014). As the clinical director of physical therapy at Urology of Virginia, she works closely with the physicians and PT department to provide comprehensive care to our patients. She is incredibly proud of the team of therapists at Urology of Virginia.

Her sole focus of treatment is pelvic floor dysfunction with a special interest in treating dysfunctional voiding and pelvic pain. She works with patients dealing with pelvic issues including incontinence, frequency/ urgency, chronic UTI’s and painful urination, pelvic pain, bowel dysfunction and sexual dysfunction. Erin has over 15 years experience specializing in treating women, men and children and is passionate about helping each patient. She is proud to be part of the inaugural group of practitioners receiving the honor of Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification (PRPC).



Practice Information:
Urology of Virginia Physical Therapy