Natalie Hickenbotham, PT, PRPC (Santa Barbara, CA)

Natalie Hickenbotham, PT, PRPC (Santa Barbara, CA)

Clinical practice: (Keck Center for Outpatient Services at Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital)


Natalie Hickenbotham received her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy in 1986 from the University of California San Francisco. She has worked in a variety of clinical settings, including inpatient, home health, outpatient and aquatic physical therapy.


During the last several years, she has expanded her knowledge and experience in treating patients with pelvic floor dysfunction, and developed the Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Program at Keck Center for Outpatient Services at Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital in Santa Barbara, CA.


Natalie has a passion for continuing her education in order to provide the best care to men and women who present with issues such as bowel and bladder dysfunction: urgency, frequency, incontinence, constipation; also chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia, painful bladder syndrome and pelvic organ prolapse.


Treatment approaches are based on comprehensive evaluation and patient functional goals, and include manual therapy, biofeedback, therapeutic exercises, including yoga, and an emphasis on patient education and body awareness, especially posture and breathing.


Natalie is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association Women's Health Section, the International Pelvic Pain Society, the International Urogynecological Society, and the International Continence Society.

Natalie integrates a “down to earth” style and a sense of humor into her care with her patients. Her passions outside of work include family time, yoga, hiking the Santa Barbara foothills and stand-up paddling.

