Alabama Physical Therapy Continuing Education Courses

Below you will find all Alabama Physical Therapy Continuing Education Courses currently being offered by Herman & Wallace. The Alabama State Board of Physical Therapy requires 10 hours of continuing education units per year for Physical Therapists and 6 hours per year for Physical Therapist Assistants, however there is no limit on how many hours of continuing education can take place online. Submission of course pre-approval applications are also not required by the state board nor the APTA chapter of Alabama. Please keep hold of your course records for at least five years to prepare for an audit from the board.

Don't see a course in your preferred location? Consider hosting a course at your clinic

We are always interested in hearing from sites that would like to host a Herman & Wallace continuing education course. If you want to host, tell us a little about your space and let us know what course(s) interest you.