Pluchino 2022

Imagine you’re a provider who has foundational information about the pelvic floor. Maybe you’ve just started taking coursework for adults, you may have taken a pediatric pelvic health class or maybe you’ve been treating adults for years. You know the anatomy, the physiology, and the general treatment practice guidelines.

  • Your clinic gets a call about a baby with colic and your supervisor asks you if you could treat it. Do you accept the evaluation?
  • You see a post on a “mommy Facebook group” asking for potty training tips for a child who is withholding stool during potty training. Do you tag your business/practice as a resource that can help?
  • You have a family friend with a child struggling with voiding during the school day and they ask you for advice as a pelvic health provider. Do you have ideas on how to guide them?
  • A patient you are seeing for pelvic floor issues asks you to start treating their teenager because they have “the same issues.” Does this seem scary to you?

Pediatric Pelvic Floor Play Skills is a class written to be a supplement to other pelvic health education classes a pelvic floor therapist has likely taken. This class helps providers take the pelvic health knowledge they have, and learn activities they can perform with different ages of children to help work on their pelvic floor function. The class shows videos of actual treatment sessions of different children in different age groups showing how to integrate stretching, strengthening, coordination, and other fun activities into a therapy visit.

One of the tricky parts of working with children is including the child in their plan of care and coordinating with caregivers. Pediatric Pelvic Floor Play Skills talks about specific concerns and considerations by age, as well as strategies to bring to a provider's practice. This class is for the provider who does not have a lot of experience treating pediatric patients and wants to learn how to make sessions enjoyable and effective.

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Mora Pluchino

Have you ever heard the phrase “In one ear and out the other?” I sure have, I have vivid memories of my grandmother scolding me for just that. She could never understand how when she said things to me, particularly a list of tasks to do, I could never seem to remember. Funnily enough, my grandfather’s nickname for me was “rabbit ears” because he swore I could pick up on a conversation from anywhere in close proximity so it wasn’t my hearing. Pretty conflicting and confusing, right? I had trouble processing things I heard or remembering them long enough to do them. Years of Catholic school helped to give me structure and tools to keep myself and my fun little brain organized and on task, and I ended up being able to keep up with the rest of my class. 

The older and more self-aware I got, the more I realized my brain doesn’t work the way everyone else’s does. The more I worked with kiddos with autism and ADHD, the more I realized my brain worked similarly to theirs. When I first heard the term “neurodivergent” I felt immediately like I had found the answer to a question I didn’t even know existed for myself. This was why I wasn’t the same as other people in processing all things! This is why I had to touch everything to learn about it. This is why I had to rewrite all my notes from professors instead of just being able to absorb what they said. This is why I needed mnemonics, stories, acronyms, and other little “hacks” to learn things. 

There are many different ways people can learn. The most common forms of learning consider if a person learns best through visual, aural/ auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic movement. Individuals can be any combination of these, which can vary as they grow through life. Someone may start out learning better kinesthetically and learn to process information better visually as they age. In our COVID era, a new format of teaching became more prevalent, bringing “at distance” learning in to save the day in many instances.

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  1. You took Pelvic Function Level 1 and you left with more questions than answers when it comes to consent, vulnerability, chaperones, safety, and clinical decision-making about how to deal with tough client situations.
  2. Your state requires you to take an ethics class and you're looking for a new class that actually applies to your area of expertise. (The thought of taking another ethics class honestly makes you feel like you'll immediately fall asleep).
  3. You'd love to be in a conversation with a small group of like-minded professionals in pelvic health with varying levels of experience about common challenging ethical scenarios for pelvic health providers.
  4. You have a burning ethical concern that you would love help with and the ability to anonymously offer it up to a think tank of other pelvic health providers sounds like a dream. You feel icky about something and need to get it off your chest and find solutions.
  5. You're looking to learn about what ethics is, why it matters, and how to apply these concepts to your clinical practice, whether you're a newbie or veteran to the therapist life.
Bonus reason…you've met Mora as your teaching assistant, TA teaching guide, or instructor and know this class will be entertaining, interactive, and full of playful (if slightly neurodivergent) energy.

In all seriousness, Ethical Concerns for the Pelvic Health Professional is an ethics class created to fulfill your state requirements, answer your clinical practice questions on this topic, and help soothe any situations that may be causing you stress (maybe just a little, maybe a whole lot). Every time it runs, it's slightly different because although there is a structured curriculum, there is also a lot of dedicated time for applicable case study situations and group discussion of real concerns of the providers attending. Join Mora on April 20th in her next course!



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Mora Pluchino, PT, DPT, PRPC is a Stockton University graduate with a BS in Biology (2007), and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy (2009). Mora's toolkit involves experience in a variety of areas and settings, including working with children and adults, including orthopedics, bracing, neuromuscular issues, vestibular issues, robotics training, and in 2016 she began treating Pelvic Health patients. Mora is active with Herman & Wallace as a Lead TA, faculty, member of the content team, and has written and instructs 3 of her own courses with HW including Pediatric Pelvic Floor Play Skills which is intervention-focused, and does not delve into specific pediatric diagnoses.

“I’m an expert at children’s behavior” said no experienced therapist (or parent or teacher) EVER. Working with kids is one of the most gratifying and frustrating, not to mention mystifying experiences I have ever had. What works for one child sends another into a temper tantrum. What one kid thinks is fun has another whining about how they may die of boredom. Ask the pelvic organ stuffies in my treatment what I’m talking about, they could tell you some stories!

Herman & Wallace has two amazing pediatric courses by Dawn Sandalcidi (Dawn Sandalcidi’s course Pediatric Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction) that give such a great foundation to diving intro treating pediatric clients. I’ve taken them both myself and would not have been the clinician, teaching assistant or instructor I am without them. In these classes you can learn all of the diagnoses, latest research and treatment protocols from someone who has been a leader in pediatric pelvic floor therapy for years.

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It's been four years since my pelvic floor bestie (fellow Lead TA Carly Gossard) convinced my introverted self to try my hand at teaching assistant. I was hesitant, to say the least. I had taught small lab groups at Stockton University and mentored many of my colleagues in different areas, including pelvic health, but a class of 50 people relying on me to guide them through their first pelvic exam experience…I was terrified. It was the weekend before the world shut down for COVID, so there was this underlying current of “What does the future hold” and “Should we steal the gloves and hand sanitizer?” 

Flash forward to the present day. I consider myself so lucky to wear many hats for Herman & Wallace. That first TA experience sparked this love of being with the Level 1 students as they embark on their pelvic health provider journeys. When HW needed to shift to the satellite model, I was one of the first TAs to jump into that role. When Megan Chamberlain (herder of the TAs) asked for help building a Lead TA program, I gave her my list of suggestions (I may consider Leslie Knope from Parks & Rec a role model). One of my favorite things about HW is that they take feedback seriously. At one point, they realized they needed someone to track the patterns of that feedback and guess who got that job….ME!

In 2023, the HW team decided it was time to take that feedback and update the main series to be more…more inclusive, more advanced, more hands-on, more to take home immediately to clinical practice. I was quick to chime in as I had a lot of subjective data from years of review synthesis. We have been organizing, researching, considering, consulting, and revamping the main series, and the first two classes of the series launched in January 2024! As the series rolled out, I decided I needed to TA each class to feel and experience the changes. 

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Course Covers

Mora Pluchino is instructing her new course, Pediatric Pelvic Floor Play Skills, which is scheduled to debut on October 22, 2023. This short course is targeted to pelvic health providers looking for specific “child-oriented” treatment techniques for pediatric pelvic health patients. This class will cover some basic challenges and changes for a new or experienced pelvic health provider entering the realm of treating pediatric patients with pelvic floor diagnoses. Pediatric Pelvic Floor Play Skills is intervention focused and does not delve into specific pediatric diagnoses.


As an only child, I have lived my life working to be surrounded by children. From the age of 11 when I could take the Red Cross’s babysitter training, I worked as a mother’s helper, babysitter, and nanny. I never even had a “real” job until beginning my career as a physical therapist in 2009. Before I entered the world of treating pelvic floors, I was a physical therapist who spent the beginning years of my career caring for mostly pediatric and neurological patients. I was in charge of a pediatric program and helped with their specialty programs for kids including cardiopulmonary, feeding, and robotics.

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Course Covers 33
Course Covers 32

Mora Pluchino is instructing her ethics course, Ethical Considerations from a Legal Lens, which is scheduled for June 3, 2023. This remote course covers ethical considerations from a legal lens for professionals working in the area of Pelvic Health. Health Care Professionals have many day-to-day ethical considerations to “do no harm” including basic decisions for billing, patient care, safety, and compliance. Pelvic Rehabilitation comes with additional layers of vulnerability and ethical challenges, and the legalities of pelvic health can add further complications for patient care, business, and clinical practice decisions.

The patient is a 70 cis-gender female:

  • Primary complaints - Painful sitting, terrible tailbone pain x 2 years
  • Secondary complaints - SUI, fecal urgency, mild POP
  • Prior therapy - multiple, most recent Hospital Based OPPT 3 x per week x 8 weeks (24 visits)
  • Progress - minimal to none, the patient actually thinks her symptoms are worsening, pain is unbearable
  • Other diagnoses - Parkinson’s Disease, HTN, high cholesterol
  • Primary Insurance - Medicare

The patient presents to the provider for specialized pelvic floor therapy. The patient is seen 1 x per week for a total of 6 visits. The patient reports a 75% reduction in symptoms, adheres to her HEP, and attends all scheduled visits.

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Video Thumnails 3
Course Covers 18

What is a TA? In the world of the Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute, a TA is an abbreviation for teaching assistant. Herman & Wallace has always had teaching assistants (TAs) at lab courses to guide hands-on lab time to be extra hands and helpers for the instructors. Having exemplary instructors and the addition of more people on the teaching team in the room to answer questions, guide, and give clinical pearls is what creates the optimal learning experience through Herman & Wallace.

During COVID, the demand for quality pelvic health education was still high, but COVID limited travel and group gatherings. The Institute was able to pivot and reformat some courses into fully remote offerings. This allowed continuing education to continue but did not answer the question of the core series of pelvic floor courses and all of the other course offerings. This required some creativity. Some labs could be taught virtually, but some educational topics and skills could not be covered without in-person, hands-on learning in which participants got to practice on real bodies..The next pivot was to create a hybrid model of learning, in which some didactic skills were reformatted into pre-recorded content, and the labs were offered in smaller satellites around the country. Herman & Wallace had always been a leader in education because of the hands-on skills provided and learned during in-person labs. The question arose, who would help guide them and be the “boots on the ground” for lab skills?

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Course Covers 10

Mora Pluchino, PT, DPT, PRPC (Faculty member, and Sr. TA) is a graduate of Stockton University with a BS in Biology (2007) and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy (2009). Mora authored and instructs Ethical Concerns for Pelvic Health Professionals and Ethical Considerations from a Legal Lens.


When I used to hear the word “ethics requirement,” I would wrinkle my nose and find the cheapest, quickest course to fulfill my New Jersey requirement. I would sit through it and count down the hours. It was not out of a lack of respect for the continuing educator or the importance of the material. I just felt, no matter how the material was presented it was just dry and did not feel like it applied to my more niched areas of practice.

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Faculty member, and Sr. TA, Mora Pluchino, PT, DPT, PRPC is a graduate of Stockton University with a BS in Biology (2007) and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy (2009). Mora authored and instructs Ethical Concerns for Pelvic Health Professionals and  Ethical Considerations from a Legal Lens.

  • "I want to start my own practice but I'm not sure if I need to hire a lawyer to help!"
  • "I have a problematic patient that I want to discontinue seeing, but don't want to be guilty of abandonment of care."
  • "I am so confused by the types of clinical insurance that I am required to have!"
  • "I want to hire an employee and include a non-compete clause in their employment contract!"
  • "I want to start my own cash-based practice and need help with this process!"
  • "I plan to market my practice for THIS population, is it legal to exclude THAT group of people?" 

With the end of 2022 approaching, now is the perfect time to take a pelvic health-focused ethics class. For many states, licensed professionals have to fulfill an ethics continuing education requirement, including physical therapists, occupational therapists, mental health, and many other healthcare providers. 

I started writing this series a year ago. I struggled to find a class to meet my biannual ethics requirement for New Jersey that was related to my practice in pelvic health. I soon realized that as a pelvic health provider and educator, the most popular questions that come up for practitioners, secondary only to specific treatment interventions, are ethical in nature. 

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All Upcoming Continuing Education Courses