Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain

OMFRP Tabs - Schedule

Day One:

5:00 Introduction, Goals and Objectives
5:30 Lecture - Concepts of myofascial release
7:00 Lab I - Palpation exercise and mobility testing
8:30 Adjourn

Day Two:

8:00 Review and questions from day one 
8:30 Lecture - MFR techniques for superficial, deep fascia and muscle bellies
9:15 Lab II - MFR techniques: superficial, deep fascia and muscle bellies
10:15 Break
10:30 Lecture - Bony Pelvis
11:00Labs III - Techniques for bony pelvis: Inominate, ischiopubic ramus, pubic tubercle, pubic symphysis
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Lab IV - Techniques for the bony pelvis: Ilial decompression, sacrum/SI joint
2:00 Lecture - Lower extremity: Hip, thigh and lower leg
2:45 Break
3:00 Lab V - Techniques for the lower extremity: Hip capsule, femoral neck, thigh muscles
4:00 Lab VI - Techniques for the lower extremity: Talo-crural joint, fibula, interosseus membrane
5:00 Adjourn


Day Three:

8:00 Review and questions from day one  
8:30 Lecture - Anterior and posterior pelvic floor
9:15 Lab VII - Techniques for anterior pelvic floor: UG diaphragm, layers I-III muscles, obturator foramen, perineal body
10:30 Break
10:45 LabVIII - Techniques for posterior pelvic floor: Ischiorectal fossa, vaginal approach to coccyx, posterior pelvic floor, alcock’s canal
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Lecture - Adjunctive fascial release techniques: Positional release (PRT) and Instrument aided soft tissue mobilization
1:45 Lab IV - PRT: ST ligament, transverse perineal muscle, perineal nerve, obturator internus, puborectalis
2:45 Break
3:00 Lab V - IASTM technique for trunk and lower extremity
4:00 Adjourn