Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain

ATWV Tabs - Objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will be able to:

1. Define vulvar pain and the various diagnoses and definitions in female chronic pelvic pain.
2. Describe the viscious cycle of chronic pain and the multiple system involvement.
3. List the relevent pelvic anatomy including muscular, myofascial, and visceral components involved in chronic female pelvic pain.
4. Describe current medical management of vulvodynia.
5. Demonstrate examination skills of the female pelvis for pelvic pain conditions.
6. Demonstrate 5 treatment techniques for vulvodynia.
7. Explain the relationship between vulvodynia and bowel/bladder/sexual dysfunctions.
8. Develop treatment plans for patients with female chronic pelvic pain.
9. Apply visceral mobilization techniques to structures commonly involved in vulvodynia.