Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain

MFRP Tabs - Schedule Satellite Lab

NOTE: Times below are listed in Pacific time zone
For assistance converting the times below to your local time zone, use this link:

Before Day One

These video lectures in Teachable must be viewed in-full prior to the course
Total video lecture time: 2.25 hours

1) Concepts of Visceral Mobilization (1hr 22min)
2) Myofascial Treatment (54 min)

Day One

12:30 pm PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
1:00 pm PST - Course begins / Introductions
1:30 - Review of recorded lectures and questions (Concepts of Myofascial Mobilization, Evaluation and Mobility Testing)
2:30 - Lab I: Mobility Testing
3:30 - Lecture: Review of Myofascial Induction Techniques
4:00 - Lab II: Myofascial Induction techniques (A-P Fascial stacking, superficial fascia, muscle bellies, articular fascia)
5:15 - Adjourn

Day Two

7:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
8:00 am PST - Course begins / Lecture: Bony Pelvis
9:00 - Lab III: Techniques for bony pelvis (Inominate, ischiopubic ramus, pubic tubercle, pubic symphysis)
10:15 - Lab IV: Techniques for the bony pelvis (Ilial rotation, ilial decompression, sacrum/SI joint)
11:30 - Lecture: Hip and Lower Extremity
12:15 - Lunch
1:15 - Lab V: Techniques for the lower extremity (Hip screen, hip capsule, interosseous membrane, talo-crural joint, thigh muscles)
2:30 - Lecture: Peripheral Nerves
3:15 - Lab VI: Peripheral Nerves Demo and Lab (Lumbar plexus, obturator nerve, iliohypogastric nerve, sciatic nerve, pudendal nerve)
4:30 - Lecture: Anterior and posterior pelvic floor
5:30 - Adjourn

Day Three

7:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
8:00 am PST - Course begins / Questions from Day 2
8:30 - Lab VII: Techniques for anterior pelvic floor (UG diaphragm, PIT transverse perineal muscles, bimanual levator ani, obturator foramen, PIT obturator internus, perineal body)
9:45 - Lab VIII: Techniques for posterior pelvic floor (Ischiorectal fossa, vaginal approach to coccyx, posterior pelvic floor, Alcock’s canal PIT puborectalis)
11:30 - Lecture & Brunch: Adjunctive fascial mobilization technique
12:30 - Lab IX: IASTM technique for trunk and lower extremity
1:45 - Lab X: Fascial decompression (Cupping)
3:00 - Case presentations and questions
3:30 - Adjourn