Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain

NERVE Tabs - Description

Price: $695 (Early Registrant Price $675)
Experience Level: Advanced
Contact Hours: 21

This three-day course for the experienced pelvic rehab therapist will systematically address assessment and manual treatments for the major contributory nerves of the pelvis in an organized fashion. Clinical assessment and differential diagnosis will include symptomology and differential neural tension testing for each major pelvic neural structure. Students will practice interactively mapping the pathway of each nerve and neurofascial techniques to decompress the nerve in common sites of entrapment and impingement. Treatments will encompass manually treating the proximal plexus for each nerve, direct neural manipulation, and releasing surrounding fascial pathways. Once the nerve path is addressed, neural mobilization with movement, manual regional integration, and home program to maintain neural health and mobility will all be instructed.

Nerves transmit pain messages. When nerves are compressed they can cause pain or weakness. Pelvic rehab was traditionally centered around muscles, but muscles are at the will of the innervating nerve. Frequently the nerve is overlooked as the source of pain or weakness. Unfortunately, the patients who receive diagnoses such as pudendal neuralgia or neuropathic pain pain are presented with few options. Pelvic neural pain can be mimic or be the actual cause of vulvodynia, labial pain, gluteal and low back pain, SI pain, lower abdominal and bladder pain, pubic symphysis pain, groin pain, pain in sittng, as well as many other syndromes and unilateral muscle weakness.

Neural structures addressed in this course include the lumbar plexus nerves (Iliohypogastric, Ilioinguinal, Genitofemoral, Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve, Femoral Nerve and Obturator Nerve and Foramen), as well as addressing key areas of compression of the sciatic nerve and pudendal nerve (all three branches, with emphasis on the anterior portions). This course will be very lab heavy, around 80% of the course will be interactive, hands-on learning.



Participants must have prior experience with internal vaginal assessment. Pelvic Floor Level One or comparable experience is required. Additional intermediate coursework, Pelvic Floor Level 2A or 2B, is recommended. 


What to Bring:

Please click here to dowload a full list of items to bring with you to the course

Recommended Reading

Gray's Anatomy for Students - Available at a 20% Discount for Herman & Wallace registrants (use discount code ELS25OFF). Registrants who already own a copy are not required to purchase an additional one. For those who are interested in making the shift to digital, there is an ebook version of Gray's Anatomy for Students through the above link.