Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain


Day One:
4:00 Registration
4:30  Lecture: Concepts of Visceral Mobilization: Biological plausibility, clinical reasoning
6:00 Break
6:15Lecture – Embryology and the fascial system
8:15 Lab I – Fascial stacking exercise
9:00 Adjourn

Day Two:
8:00 Lab II – Layer palpation, Abdomen palpation and auscultation
9:00 Lecture - Liver anatomy and fascial connections
9:45 Lab III - Liver - mobilization of fascial attachments Triangular ligaments, Side lying mobilization with trunk movement, Self-treatment
10:45 Break
11:00 Lecture - Stomach anatomy and fascial connections
12:00 Lunch
1:00Lab IV- Esophagus - mobilization of fascial attachments Cricoid cartilage, Lower esophageal sphincter, Esophagus mobilization with trunk, Vagus nerve
2:99 Lab V –Stomach - mobilization of fascial attachments Greater curvature, Lesser curvature/gastrosplenic ligament, Pyloric sphincter
Cricoid cartilage, Lower esophageal sphincter,
Esophagus mobilization with trunk, Vagus nerve
3:00 Break
3:15 Lecture – The spleen anatomy and fascial connections
Greater curvature, Lesser curvature/gastrosplenic ligament, Pyloris
4:00Lab VI – Spleen - mobilization of fascial attachments: Gastrosplenic ligament,
5:30 Adjourn

Day Three:
8:00 Lecture – Small intestine/Peritoneal cavity
9:00 Lab VII – Upper peritoneal cavity Duodenum, Ligament of Trietz, Root of mesentery of small intestine, Motility of small intestine
Posterior parietal peritoneum, Abdominal wall/parietal peritoneum,
Loops of small intestine/adhesions
10:00 Break
10:15 Lab VIII –Parietal wall of the peritoneal cavity Posterior parietal peritoneum, Abdominal wall/parietal peritoneum, Loops of small intestine/adhesions, fascial decompression
11:15 Lecture – Colon, fascial attachments and dysfunction
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Lab IX – Colon - mobilization of fascial attachments Cecum, Ileocecal valve, Facia of Toldt, sigmoid, flexures
Cecum, ileocecal valve, facia of Toldt, sigmoid, flexures
2:00 Lab X – Rectum mobilization of fascial attachments Valves of Huston, Internal (vaginal) approach for rectal fascia
Internal (vaginal) approach for rectal fascia
3:00 Documentation and Q&A
4:00 Adjourn