Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain

SEXMED Tabs- Schedule

Day One:
7:30 Registration
8:00 Introductions
8:15 Lecture 1.1: Normal Sexual Function
10:00 Break
10:15 Lecture 1.2: Hormones
11:15 Lecture 1.3: Birth Control
12:00 Lecture 1.4: Vaginal Hormone and Non-Hormonal Treatment in Special Populations
1:00 Lunch
1:30 Lecture 1.5: Pelvic Rehab Role and Treatment in Sexual Dysfunction
2:30 Lecture 1.6: Medical Conditions
3:00 Questions & Answers
3:15 Adjourn

Day Two:
8:00 Questions from Day 1
8:15 Lecture 2.1: Sexual Dysfunctions and Treatment in Males
10:15 Break
10:25 Lecture 2.2: Vaginismus and Vestibulodynia
11:25 Lecture 2.3: Vulvar Skin Disorders
12:25 Lunch
12:50 Lecture 2.4: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Summary
1:30 Group Case Studies and Flowsheet
3:00 Questions & Answers
3:15 Adjourn