Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain

PF2C Tabs - Objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will be able to:

1. Describe anatomy of the cismale genital and anorectal region.
2. Explain physiology of the urinary system including pathophysiology pertaining to urinary retention and other voiding dysfunctions.
3. Perform examination and evaluation of pelvic function related to abdominal, perineal, gluteal and anorectal structures.
4. Recognize types of post-prostatectomy dysfunction and develop plans of care for intervention including behavioral training and education.
5. Recognize and treat chronic pelvic pain, name the signs, symptoms, and potential interventions for hard/flaccid, post-vasectomy syndrome, painful varicoceles, and other men’s health conditions.
6. Identify specific pelvic muscles and key bony landmarks within the anorectal region.
7. Perform external abdominopelvic and internal anorectal manual therapy treatment techniques.
8. Provide appropriate rehabilitation for erectile dysfunction based on results of evaluation.
9. Explain the role of anxiety in chronic pelvic pain in men and the value of patient’s learning to modulate anxiety for healing.
10. List key medical tests used for post-prostatectomy dysfunction, sexual health and chronic pelvic pain in men and when to refer for medical screening and evaluation.
11. Demonstrate skills in rehabilitative medical screening to rule out pelvic health presentations that require medical intervention.
12. Instruct in use of penile pumps and clamps in pelvic rehabilitation.