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Manual Therapy Techniques for the Pelvic Rehab Therapist

Manual Therapy Techniques for the Pelvic Rehab Therapist - Pasadena, CA - February 22-23, 2020

Manual Therapy Techniques for the Pelvic Rehab Therapist - Pasadena, CA - February 22-23, 2020

  • Description

  • Schedule

  • Objectives

  • Location/Lodging

  • Instructors

  • Discounts

Price: $495 (Early Registrant Price $475)
Experience Level: Intermediate
Contact Hours: 15

This two-day intermediate course will allow the practicing pelvic rehab therapist to develop and refine immediately applicable palpation and myofascial treatment skills. This course is intended for the pelvic rehab therapist who may be new to palpation and manual therapy techniques, or who want to refine their skills of discriminate touch. This is also an excellent course for the practitioner who recently took the beginner or intermediate courses of the Pelvic Floor Series and would like a refine hands on skills with a more lab-intensive course. 

In this course, we will build and add to the skills learned in the Pelvic Floor Series curriculum, while allowing time and giving guidance for each participant to build their individual skills in treating pelvic rehab clients. A brief review of anatomy and evaluation is included but we will spend the majority of our time utilizing and refining our hands on myofascial assessment and treatment skills. This course includes external techniques of the abdomen, pelvis and thigh regions and internal vaginal and rectal mapping and treatment. The participant will also further develop the ability to adapt a treatment approach to a specific patient’s needs (such as positioning for IC/PBS, endometriosis, vulvodynia, nerve sensitivities) and build home programs.

A deepened understanding of the myofascial system and its functional roles within the genito-urinary and gastrointestinal systems will be gained at this intermediate continuing education course. This course may be taken in conjunction with other manual therapy courses and provides an overview of a variety of techniques and practical applications.


This continuing education seminar is targeted to physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapist assistants, registered nurses, nurse midwives, and other rehabilitation professionals. Content is not intended for use outside the scope of the learner's license or regulation. Physical therapy continuing education courses should not be taken by individuals who are not licensed or otherwise regulated, except, as they are involved in a specific plan of care.


This course is intended for experienced pelvic rehab therapists who are already treating patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic Floor Level 1 is required and at least one course of an Intermediate Level is recommended (i.e.: Pelvic Floor Level 2A or Pelvic Floor Level 2B)

Day One:
7:30 Registration
8:00 Introductions/Objectives/Goals
8:30 Basics of Myofascial Intervention
9:15 Lab 1 - Foundations of palpation
9:45 Abdominal Wall Anatomy including Fascia, Nerves and Abdominal Pain/ Dysfunctions
10:30 Break
10:45 Lab 2 – Abdominal wall Evaluation and Treatment Lab
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Anatomy and Functional Mobility of the Skin, Fascia and Muscles of Perineum and Pelvic Floor. (brief review of evaluation skills for pelvic rehabilitation)
1:45 Lab 3 - External Lab: Perineum, Pelvic Floor, Ischiorectal Fossa, Adductors/Hamstrings (Includes evaluation and treatment.)
3:00 Break
3:15 Anatomy and Functional mobility of the Posterior Rectal Fossa, Thigh, Gluteals and Thoracolumbar region
3:45 Lab 4 - Posterior Lower Trunk and Thigh lab
5:00 Adjourn

Day Two:
8:00 Review of Day 1/ Preview Day 2
8:15 Anatomy and Functional mobility of the Introitus and Vagina (brief review of evaluation skills for pelvic rehabilitation)
8:45 Lab 5 Internal Vaginal Mapping and Treatment
9:45 Break
10:00 Anatomy and Functional mobility of the Rectal canal (brief review of evaluation skills for pelvic rehabilitation)
10:45 Lab 6 Internal Rectal Mapping and Treatment
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Inside/Outside Lecture: applying functional movement to myofascial treatment
1:30 Inside/Out Lab
2:15 Break
2:30 Putting It All Together: Evaluation and Treatment Considerations, Case Studies
3:15 Ask the Expert: Q & A Session
3:45 Course Wrap-up
4:00 Adjourn

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will be able to:


1. Identify and palpate specific tissues in the abdominopelvic area, specifically the musculure, fascial, and nerve tissues.
2. Explain the function of the myofascial structures within the perineum and pelvic floor and the potential dysfunctions resulting from injury to these tissues.
3. Describe current literature and concepts in myofascial therapy and apply these concepts and techniques to treatment of pelvic girdle dysfunction.
4. Perform and correlate external and internal examination of the perineum and pelvic floor to the patient’s symptoms.
5. Design and demonstrate fascial techniques to address examination findings.
6. Create functional goals related to myofascial and nerve dysfunction.
7. Instruct patients and partners in a home program for urologic, sexual and pelvic pain.

 NameStreet Address (Links to Map)
Course Location

Huntington Hospital

100 W California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91105
Recommended Lodging

Courtyard by Marriott Los Angeles Pasadena/Old Town

180 North Fair Oaks Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
Nearest Airport

Bob Hope Airport
Airport Code: BUR

2627 N Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505


Directions from Recommended Lodging to Course Location: (click here if no map appears below)

Tina Allen, PT, PRPC, BCB-PMD

Tina Allen, PT, BCB-PMD, PRPC

Tina Allen, PT, PRPC, BCB-PMD (she/her) has been a physical therapist since 1993. She received her PT degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her initial five years in practice focused on acute care, trauma, and outpatient orthopedic physical therapy at Loyola Medical Center in Illinois. Tina moved to Seattle in 1997 and focused her practice in Pelvic Health. Since then she has focused her treatment on the care of all genders throughout their life spans with bladder/bowel dysfunction, pelvic pain syndromes, pregnancy/ postpartum, lymphedema, and cancer recovery.

Tina’s practice is at the University of Washington Medical Center in the Urology/Urogynecology Clinic where she treats along side physicians and educates medical residents in how pelvic rehab interventions will assist clients. She presents at medical and patient conferences on topics such as pelvic pain, continence, and lymphedema. Tina has been faculty at Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute since 2006. She was the physical therapist provider for the University of Washington on a LURN Multi-Center study for Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome treatment with physical therapy techniques. Tina was also a co-investigator for a content package on pain education for the NIDA/NIH on treatment of pelvic pain.

Outside work Tina enjoys spending time with her husband, hiking, traveling, reading and meditation.

Attention: We are unable to offer "retro-active" discounts (i.e. applying a discount to a transaction after the transaction takes place), so if you are interested in exploring discount options and you are unsure if your transactions is eligible for a discount, please contact us to inquire.

Multi-Course Discount

This 10% discount is available for a single registrant who wishes to enroll in 3 or more courses, and pay in one transaction. Registrants wishing to enroll in 5 or more courses should contact us for a customized quote. We can also apply this discount if 2 therapists from a single clinic/hospital enroll in 3 or more courses (ie Registrant A enrolls in Course X and Course Y, Registrant B enrolls in Course X, and Registrants A and B both work at Clinic Z). This discount cannot be used in combination with any other discounts. Registration and payment must be received at the same time in one credit card payment, one check or one envelop with multiple checks. This type of registration cannot be completed online, if you are wishing to receive the Multi-Course discount please call or email us directly for assistance.

Course discounts for the Pelvic Floor Series are capped at 10% no matter the group size or number of registrations

Group Discount

This discount is available for a group of three or more registrants, who all work at the same clinic/hospital, enroll in a single course, and pay in a single transaction or mail in multiple checks in a single envelope. This discount cannot be used in combination with any other discounts.

Groups of 3-5 receive a 10% discount off the combined price of their group's registrations.

Course discounts for the PF series are being capped at 10% no matter on group size or number of registrations - but will be staying the same for specialty courses.

Student Discount

This 10% discount is available to current students who have yet to earn a license to practice at the time of course registration. Students are welcome to attend satellite and remote courses with H&W once they have reached their third year and/or completed a hands-on clinical in their second year. You may register while in your 2nd year for a course that is taking place by the time you have become a third-year student. However, students are not allowed to register or attend a self-hosted course.


To get this discount when checking out online, use the code STUDENT2023 for courses scheduled for 2023. (Note, this code is only valid for non-licensed students. The H&W admin team will verify that registrants signed up with this code are, indeed, current students prior to their attendance of the course).

Referral Credit/Discount

Any therapist who has already taken a Herman & Wallace course will earn a $50.00 "referral credit" if:

1. A therapist who has never taken a Herman & Wallace course successfully registers for his or her first course(s); AND
2. In the registration process, the first-time registrant gives the name and clinic/hospital of the therapist who referred them to Herman & Wallace.

A therapist who has earned a $50.00 "referral credit" may use this credit toward any course that is eligible for a "referral discount".

Guest Blogger Credit/Discount

Any therapist who completes a qualifying guest blog post on the Herman & Wallace blog will earn a $50.00 "guest blogger credit". This credit may be applied toward any course.