Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

OMFRP Tabs - Objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the theory and application of myofascial release
2. Cite potential causes for development of restrictions in the fascial system
3. Differentiate between direct and indirect release techniques and understand the proper application of each
4. Identify external and internal myofascial structures that may have an effect on pelvic dysfunction
5. Recognize abnormal connective tissue mobility and joint spring testing
6. Apply the technique of three-dimensional myofascial release; utilizing external body and internal vaginal/rectal approaches
7. Recognize and treat myofascial restrictions throughout the trunk, pelvis and lower extremity as it relates to pelvic dysfunction
8. Implement myofascial release techniques into a comprehensive treatment program for the patient with varied diagnoses of the lumbar, pelvic and hip region as they relate to physical therapy