Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

BC TABS - Objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will be able to:

1. Voice understanding of the prospective surveillance model as well as benefits and challenges of implementation for the oncologic team.
2. Identify breast anatomy, including muscles, connective tissue, and lymphatic supply.
3. Discuss the diagnosis, medical management and outcomes associated with breast cancers.
4. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the pathophysiology of lymphedema through subjective interview and perform a baseline evaluation.
5. Educate the patient on risk factors associated with lymphedema and preventative measures.
6. Perform manual therapy interventions for lymphatic cording and rheudementary manual lymph drainage techniques for stage 0-1 lymphedema.
7. Identify common impairments associated with mastectomy, lymph node dissection and reconstruction.
8. Design an appropriate exercise program for patient’s status-post mastectomy, lymph node dissection and reconstruction.
9. Design an appropriate exercise program for a patient with fatigue or cardiotoxicity secondary to chemotherapy.
10. Discuss the side effects of chemotherapy and hormone therapy for breast cancer as it relates to bone and joint health as well as sexual function.
11. Design an appropriate exercise program for a breast cancer survivor with osteoporosis, cardiotoxity and peripheral neuropathy secondary to oncologic medical interventions.