Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

MPP TABS - Schedule

Day One:
8:00 Introductions, Practice Breath Observation
9:00 Introduction Lecture (Meditation, Re-framing)
10:00 Break
10:15 Body Observation Lab, Pain Observation, Metta
11:00 Interactive Lecture/Lab on Mechanics of Meditation
11:30 Practice Instruction
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Lecture: Neuroanatomy and Research Review
2:30 Lab: Pranayama, Breath Counting, and Contract Relax
3:30 Break
3:45 Interactive Lecture/Lab on Meditation for Care Providers
4:45 Lab for Down-training Breath Work, Guided Relaxation
5:15 Adjourn

Day Two:
7:30 Questions
7:45 Lecture: How to Implement, Bill, and Explain Meditation to Patients
8:45 Lab: Quick Shifters and Dialogue Practice
9:45 Break
10:45 Lab: Practice Instructing Techniques with Case Studies
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Interactive Lecture/Lab on Visualization, Affirmation, Prayer
2:00 Finish Practice with Case Studies, Final Questions
3:00 Adjourn