Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

PIL TABS - Schedule

Day One:
7:30 Registration
8:00 Introduction: Instructor, history of pilates, philosophy of pilates, pilates equipment and props, information regarding pilates certifications (important if you are referring patients to local pilates instructors.)
9:00 Lecture: Theory of muscle stabilization, local muscles versus global muscles, motor control theory, anatomical review with focus on bony architecture, muscular, ligamentous and fascial support of pelvis and lumbar spine.
10:00 Lecture: Pilates fundamentals: breathing, postural alignment, lumbo-pelvic positions for stabilization, cueing and sequencing of exercises.
11:00 Lab:  Practice basic Pilates exercises illustrating and reinforcing the Pilates fundamentals.  Demonstration of proper form and common errors of these exercises, self practice to feel the exercises and also practice teaching each other the exercises.
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Lecture:  Discussion and review of symptoms, treatment ideas for the incompetent pelvic floor (urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse), hyperactive pelvic floor dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain.
2:00 Lab:  Perform exercises to increase strength of intrinsic and extrinsic synergists of the pelvic floor for the incompetent pelvic floor.
3:30 Break
3:45 Lab:  Continuation of exercise instruction with focus on down training the hyperactive pelvic floor client.
5:00 Adjourn

Day Two:
8:00 Questions from previous day
8:15 Lecture:  Review of changes in the pregnant client during each trimester and the modifications that are recommended secondary to these changes.
9:30 Lab:  Demonstration of Pilates exercises and necessary modifications as pregnancy progresses.  Self practice and practice teaching each other the exercises.
10:30 Break
10:45 Lab:  Continuation of pre-natal exercises 
11:15 Lecture:  Review of post-natal issues (diastasis recti, pubic symphysis dysfunction and low back Pain). When to start exercising, issues if exercise is started to early.  Common areas of muscular weakness.  Orthopedic issues if these weaknesses are not corrected.
12:15 Lunch
1:15 Lab:  Demonstration of Pilates exercises for common issues gone over in lecture with the post-natal client.  Self practice and practice teaching each other the exercises.
2:15 Lecture: Focus on who is at risk, exercise modification to reduce the risk of developing a spinal compression fracture.  Discussion on how to address the resistant client.
3:15 Lab:  Demonstration of modified Pilates exercises to decrease the risk of development of spinal compression fracture.  Self practice and practice teaching.
4:00 Adjourn