Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

MAN Tabs - Schedule

Day One:
7:30 Registration
8:00 Introductions/Objectives/Goals
8:30 Basics of Myofascial Intervention
9:15 Lab 1 - Foundations of palpation
9:45 Abdominal Wall Anatomy including Fascia, Nerves and Abdominal Pain/ Dysfunctions
10:30 Break
10:45 Lab 2 – Abdominal wall Evaluation and Treatment Lab
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Anatomy and Functional Mobility of the Skin, Fascia and Muscles of Perineum and Pelvic Floor. (brief review of evaluation skills for pelvic rehabilitation)
1:45 Lab 3 - External Lab: Perineum, Pelvic Floor, Ischiorectal Fossa, Adductors/Hamstrings (Includes evaluation and treatment.)
3:00 Break
3:15 Anatomy and Functional mobility of the Posterior Rectal Fossa, Thigh, Gluteals and Thoracolumbar region
3:45 Lab 4 - Posterior Lower Trunk and Thigh lab
5:00 Adjourn

Day Two:
8:00 Review of Day 1/ Preview Day 2
8:15 Anatomy and Functional mobility of the Introitus and Vagina (brief review of evaluation skills for pelvic rehabilitation)
8:45 Lab 5 Internal Vaginal Mapping and Treatment
9:45 Break
10:00 Anatomy and Functional mobility of the Rectal canal (brief review of evaluation skills for pelvic rehabilitation)
10:45 Lab 6 Internal Rectal Mapping and Treatment
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Inside/Outside Lecture: applying functional movement to myofascial treatment
1:30 Inside/Out Lab
2:15 Break
2:30 Putting It All Together: Evaluation and Treatment Considerations, Case Studies
3:15 Ask the Expert: Q & A Session
3:45 Course Wrap-up
4:00 Adjourn