Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

MEEKS Tabs - Schedule

Day One:

7:30 Registration
8:00 MODULE 1 - Introduction to The Meeks Method (Lecture-Lab): Introductions/Introductory Information and Course Materials, Anatomy as it Pertains to Bone Health, Exercises: Perch Posture, Sit-To-Stand-To-Sit
9:15 MODULE 2 - Laying the Foundation (Lecture-Lab): PowerPoint Presentation alternating with exercise and movement, EXERCISES: Hip Hinge with Dowel, Body Arc, Scapular Retraction, Compensatory Movement Patterns, Umbrella Breath, CASE REPORT: Patient with severe condition with successful treatment program
10:15 Break
10:30 Definitions, Epidemiology, Pathology, Consequences of Osteoporosis, Discussion of Osteoporosis in Children/Child Development Problems, Reading of Bone Density Reports
12:30 Lunch
1:30 MODULE 3 - Gait-Posture-Balance (Lab): Introduction of Habitual and Non-Habitual Movement Patterns, Discussions of Walking Poles, Shoes, Walkers and other Assistive Devices
2:30 MODULE 4 - Management Guidelines (Lecture - Lab): Guidelines for 4 groups of patients diagnosed with osteoporosis: Chart of Care for Vertebral Compression Fracture Management, Bracing with the Spinomed Orthosis (PP), Use of Low Intensity Vibration to Augment Exercise, Management of Acute Compression Fractures, 2 Case Reports on Postural Improvement
3:15 Break
3:30 MODULE 5 - Site-Specific Exercise (Lab): Demonstration of positioning and first 4 exercises—The Re-Alignment Routine. Guidelines for severely involved and frail patients, Demo of transferring to and from floor, Practice of positioning and instruction in The Re-Alignment Routine in groups of two, presentation/practice of supine site-specific exercises including resistance band, Participants exercise independently Including breathing and relaxation
5:30 Adjourn

Day Two:

8:00 MODULE 6 - Patient Pre-Assessment and Assessment (Lecture-Lab): Identification of patients at risk for Osteoporosis and Fracture, Assessment with reliable, valid and safe tools for osteoporosis, Doing the REEDCO Posture Score Test 

10:00 Break
10:15 MODULE 7 - Site-Specific Exercise (Lab): Strengthening/Balancing with Foam Roller, Demo Site-Specific Exercises—Supine,Prone, Bridging, Side-Lying Leg Lift
12:30 Lunch
1:30 MODULE 8A - Exercise Guidelines: Chronological Protocol, CASE REPORTS of 14 patients with Postural Correction and Successful Management with The Meeks Method (Lecture)
2:00 Module 9 - Wall Exercises (Lab)
2:15 MODULE 8B - Exercise Guidelines (Lecture): Nachemson Studies Slides; Senior Class Guidelines, Effects of Treatment; 16 Guidelines for Exercise, CASE REPORTS on 4 Patients
3:00 MODULE 10 - Activities of Daily Living (Lab)
3:30 Break
3:45 MODULE 11 - Exercise Demos (Demo):Arm Press, Straight Leg Raise with Stretching Strap and Dowel
4:15 MODULE 12 - Gym and Fitness (Lecture – Lab)
5:00 Module 13 - Wrap Up (Lecture-Q&A-Group Discussion) Final Questions, Guidelines, Discussions, Evaluations
5:30 Adjourn