Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

MEEKS Tabs - Schedule (Remote)

Pre- Recordings: Watch Before the Live Component of the Course

Part 1: Anatomy as it pertains to Osteoporosis – Alignment Is The Key: Functional Exercise – Perch Posture/Sit-To-Stand-To-Sit  Breathing For The Bones (60 min)
Introduction to the Meeks Method® (60 min)
Bone Basics (60 min)

Day One (All times are listed in Pacific Time):
7:40 Log-on, Welcome, Zoom Basics
8:00 Intro, Review, Alignment: Review concepts from Pre-read, Practice: Alignment, Hip Hinge, Perch Posture, Sit to Stand, Foot Press
8:30 Evaluation Procedures: REEDCO, Flexicurve, Grip Strength, Occiput to Wall/Wall to Tragus, 4 Square Step Test, 30 Second Sit to Stand, Time Loaded Stance, STEADI
10:00 Break
10:15 Exercise Library-Supine: Breathing review, Modifications /Alternatives to Floor, Down/Up from Floor, Supine Exercises
11:45 Tests for Osteoporosis: DXA, LVA, TBS, Question & Answers
12:15 Lunch
1:00 Posture, Balance, Gait: Habitual/ Non-Habitual Movement Patterns, Homework
2:00 Exercise Library- Prone
3:00 Questions & Answers 
3:30 Adjourn

Day Two (All times are listed in Pacific Time):
8:00 Q&A, Homework discussion, Review Day 1
8:15 Patient Case Reports
9:00 Spinomed Orthosis, LiV vibration, EZ Posture Pillow
9:45 Break
10:30 Wall Exercises: Wall + Additional Exercises
11:45  Lunch
12:30 ADLs
1:00 Advanced exercises /what to do after therapy is finished
2:00 Case Reports- small groups in rooms
3:00 Questions/ Wrap Up
3:30 Adjourn