Pelvic Floor / Pelvic Girdle

MPF TABS - Objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will be able to:

1. Identify anatomy and physiology of the urogenital, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, fascial and nervous systems with reference to men’s pelvic health and dysfunction.
2. List key medical diagnostic procedures for urologic, sexual and pelvic pain conditions.
3. Perform external and internal (rectal) examinations of the pelvis to identify specific pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, nerves, and key bony landmarks.
4. Perform pelvic floor muscle assessment procedures to identify strength, tone, length and coordination.
5. Demonstrate abdominal wall examination and treatment, and describe abdominal wall as potential role in referral of symptoms to the pelvis.
6. Instruct patients in a home program and behavioral education for urologic, sexual, and pelvic pain conditions.
7. Design treatment plans for chronic pelvic pain syndromes, erectile dysfunction and post-prostatectomy dysfunctions.
8. Perform external and internal pelvic floor myofascial treatment techniques.
9. Identify alternate ways of approaching healing with respect to patient’s experiences and within respective scopes of practice.
10. List resources for patients in regards to appropriate referral to other providers.