Image copyright Herman & Wallace Inc.
Course Title
Postpartum Rehabilitation
Course Description
The client who is postpartum may be one of the most overlooked clients in health care. Knowing the specific rehabilitation needs to help with common problems and to prevent future problems is the goal of this 2-day, beginner level course. For the orthopedic-based practitioner, this course will solidify awareness of common orthopedic needs for the postpartum client. For the non-orthopedic practitioner, this course will provide a foundation for working with the client experiencing common postpartum-related musculoskeletal conditions. The course takes place live on a remote Zoom meeting, and will open with brief case scenarios that highlight the difference between examination/evaluation in the postpartum vs. non-postpartum population. There will also be pre recorded content which must be viewed prior to participating in the meeting. Labor and birth, birth complications and injuries, postpartum stages and concerns, and Cesarean birth all set the stage for the postpartum client and will be reviewed. Understanding typical hormonal and systemic recovery and return to “normal” during postpartum will be provided, including early postpartum changes in the endocrine, metabolic, cardiovascular, pulmonary, immune, neurologic/sensory, integumentary, gastrointestinal, urinary/renal, reproductive, and musculoskeletal systems.
This course will cover examination considerations and modifications specific to postpartum, as well as specific questions to ask during history taking and methods for identifying red flags in postpartum. More comfortable positions during the examination/treatment and common posture/gait/balance changes during postpartum are covered. The participant at this course will understand necessary biomechanics training for daily activities, child care, and breastfeeding. As an expansion from the pregnancy rehabilitation course, participants will be taken through progression in diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA) assessment and rehabilitation, including DRA exercises in lecture and lab. Additionally, addressing abdominal wall lengthening and Cesarean scars will be discussed and practiced in the lab.
Start Date/Time and Time Zone:
Sep 28, 2024 9:00 AM America/Los_Angeles
NA - Registrants Attend this course via Zoom