Mercedes Eustergerling, BKin, MPT, MHM, IBCLC

Mercedes Eustergerling, BKin, MPT, MHM, IBCLC

Mercedes Eustergerling, BKin, MPT, MHM, IBCLC

Mercedes is a women’s health physical therapist and the founder of Vida Health & Wellness in Calgary, Canada. She received a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Calgary, a Master of Physical Therapy from the University of Western Ontario, a post-graduate certificate in pain management from the University of Alberta, and a Master of Health Management from McMaster University.

Mercedes has unique experience in physical therapy for breastfeeding support and is an international board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). She helps families to meet their feeding goals through the lens of a physical therapist, using principles from the areas of musculoskeletal, neurological, and chronic pain.

Evidence-based healthcare is important to Mercedes and in addition to her clinical role, she conducts research to better inform her practice. Her current work examines the precursors to lactation mastitis and the role of the nervous system in breast pain.

Mercedes started sharing her passion for breastfeeding support in physical therapy at the annual Pelvic Health Solutions symposium. She has taught webinars, in-person courses, and physical therapy students on the topic.

Outside of the clinic, Mercedes enjoys spending time with her family. She is an avid knitter, weightlifter, dancer, and swimmer.