Job Board

PN TABS - Description

Price: $495 (Early Registrant Price $475)
Experience Level: Intermediate
Contact Hours: 14

Pudendal neuralgia is defined as ‘a painful neuropathic condition involving the dermatome of the pudendal nerve’ (Robert et al 1998) but there are few diagnoses that cause as much confusion and fear for both patient and provider. Simultaneously overused as a diagnosis for pelvic pain and yet misunderstood by both physicians and therapists, diagnosis (and differential diagnosis) of Pudendal Neuralgia can be a complex, chronic and often costly source of pelvic dysfunction for many of our patients, male and female, young and old. The aim of this course is to thoroughly engage the practitioner with the anatomy, physiology, function and dysfunctions of this condition and to provide a broad spectrum treatment approach using the best clinical evidence available.

This continuing education course is a two-day seminar designed to provide a thorough overview to evaluating and treating patients with Pudendal Dysfunction, including Neuropathy, Neuralgia and Entrapment. Lecture will include a review of pelvic neural anatomy, as well as a review of multi-disciplinary treatments, including medical & surgical treatment options. This course presents an integrative approach to pelvic pain; psychosexual health issues, nutrition, neuroscience and mindfulness will also be addressed. Labs will cover spine, lumbopelvic/hip complex, neurodynamics and therapeutic techniques to integrate orthopaedic, pelvic floor and biopsychosocial approaches into the subjective and objective assessment.


Special Considerations:

The labs for this course will involve external and internal hip and pelvic floor evaluation and treatment. Please wear black leggings or yoga pants for nerve mapping.



This continuing education seminar is targeted to physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapist assistants, registered nurses, nurse midwives, and other rehabilitation professionals. Content is not intended for use outside the scope of the learner's license or regulation. Physical therapy continuing education courses should not be taken by individuals who are not licensed or otherwise regulated, except, as they are involved in a specific plan of care.



It is required that the participants have a working experience with evaluating and treating patients with pelvic pain inclusive of internal examination. Pelvic Floor 1 through Herman & Wallace or Pelvic PT 1 through the APTA is strongly recommended.


Prior to the course, please watch:

Also recommended: