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MPP TABS - Description

Price: $495 (Early Registrant Price $475)
Experience Level: Beginner
Contact Hours: 15

This lab-intensive continuing medical education course prepares the learner to implement more integrative patient care with meditation and to discern how and why to approach various patient populations. Participants will leave the course ready to implement meditation instruction when they return to the clinic. Attention will be given to neuropsychiatry anatomy and function and what research reveals the impact is with trauma, stress, pain, and meditation. Health care providers will also learn the benefits of self-practice and how to quickly ground and center between patients, how to create appropriate boundaries, and to prevent burnout This course integrates the science and research of mind body medicine and meditation with practical experience. The lab-intensive segments will allow practitioners to experience several types of meditation, including walking meditation and integration of breath-linked-movement, such as yoga. Attention will be given to neuropsychiatry anatomy and function and what the research reveals in regard to trauma, stress, pain and the impact of meditation. Because the field of mind-body integration is vast, participants will leave with an understanding of how to choose the right technique for patients and how to integrate this instruction into a standard treatment session. No prior experience with meditation or yoga is necessary. In this age of changing healthcare dynamics and dealing with chronic pain, many therapists are struggling with burnout, or compassion fatigue. This course provides participants with tools and strategies for the work day to maintain boundaries, self-care, and self-awareness during the work day.



This continuing education seminar is targeted to physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapist assistants, registered nurses, nurse midwives, psychologists, pain managment specialists, and other rehabilitation professionals. Content is not intended for use outside the scope of the learner's license or regulation. Physical therapy continuing education courses should not be taken by individuals who are not licensed or otherwise regulated, except, as they are involved in a specific plan of care.





What to bring:

Yoga mat or blanket, sweater/sweatshirt