Job Board

VES - Schedule

Day One:
8:00 Cervical Spine Anatomy and Biomechanics
9:00 Headaches
10:00 Cervical exam: Finding the Pain Generator
11:00 Vestibular Anatomy and Physiology
12:00 Lunch
1:00 BPPV/Peripheral Hypofunction
2:00 Peripheral Vestibular Lab
3:00 Central Causes for Dizziness: Concussion, Tumors, and CVA
4:00 Neuro Examination: Cranial Nerves and Special Tests
5:00 Adjourn

Day Two:
8:00 BPPV Lab
9:00 Cervicogenic Dizziness and Post Traumatic Dizziness
10:00 Cervicogenic Dizziness Lab: Proprioceptive training
11:00 Cervical Spine treatment lab: Manual Therapy
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Cervical Spine treatment lab: Motor-Control, Taping, etc
3:30 Adjourn