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PEDsG Tabs - Objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will be able to:

1. Understand normal digestive anatomy and physiology

2. Understand the function of the PFM as it relates to defecation

3. Understand FGID in children and be able to identify potential medical “red flags” requiring referral to the physician.

4. Review tests and measures for FGID and be able to refer back to a physician if therapy is not appropriate or advised.

5. Understand medications used for bowel dysfunction and titration for long term bowel health

6. Distinguish if a patient is taking too much or too little medication

7. Assess bowel diaries to better determine rationale for treatment and differential assessment of bowel disorder type

8. Provide education for diet/medication/supplement titration

9. Recognize the psychosocial and behavioral component for proper referral and rectal balloon treatment and determine if psychological referral is necessary.

10. Observe use of perianal surface electromyography (sEMG) and identify PFM discoordination in the pediatric patient

11. Understand how to use sEMG biofeedback to increase or decrease pelvic floor muscle activity and if contraindicated

12. Complete an evaluation of a pediatric patient diagnosed with bowel disorders and be able to determine if any medical red flags are present for further work up.

13. Assess and provide exercises and techniques for diastasis recti.

14. Learn techniques to stimulate BM and rectal sensation using rectal balloon training and OTC medications

15. Treatment progressions for children with pediatric bowel disorders using manual therapy and breathing techniques

16. Implement an appropriate plan of care based on a patient’s symptoms and physical examination