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PEDsG Tabs - Schedule (Remote)

test NOTE: Times below are listed in Pacific time zone
For assistance converting the times below to your local time zone, use this link:

Before Day One

Please note: At the direction of the instructor who owns the rights to the videos listed below, access to these video lectures will only be provided for 1 week after the live portion of the course ends.

These video lectures in Teachable must be viewed in-full prior to the course
Total video lecture time: 2.5 hours

1) Digestive Anatomy (25 min)
2) Diaphragm and PF Development (4 min)
3) Nerve and Blood Supply to the GI System (15 min)
4) The Brain-Gut Axis (9 min)
5) Normal Bowel Function (23 min)
6.1) Pediatric FGID: Infant - Toddler (24 min)
6.2) Pediatric FGID: Child - Adolescent (39 min)
6.3) Pediatric FGID: Abdominal Pain (13 min)

Day One

7:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
8:00 am PST - Course begins / Introduction and Review Pre-Course Learning
8:30 - Treatment for constipation: Fiber, Laxatives, Magnesium & Probiotics
9:45 - Break
10:00 - Enemas and Disimpaction
10:30 - Treatment for Slow Transit and Severe Constipation
11:00 - Q&A
11:15 - Manual Treatment for Bowel Including Video Demonstrations of Sphincter Releases and Q&A
12:00 - Lunch
12:30 - Pediatric Anorectal Disorders including Psychological & QoL Tests and Measures
1:15 - Treatment Techniques and Progressions: Pelvic Floor and Scar Release
2:45 - Treatment Techniques and Progressions: Diaphragm and Breathing
3:30 - Treatment Techniques and Progressions: The Core and Rib Cage
4:30 - Adjourn

Day Two

7:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
8:00 am PST - Course begins / Questions
8:30 - Pediatric Diagnostic Testing for Bowel Dysfunction: Anorectal Manometry, Radiographic Studies – Indications and Assessment
9:45 - Break
10:00 - Anorectal Exam and Rectal Balloon Training Lecture with Video and Live Balloon Demonstration (please have rectal balloon present to practice)
11:30 - Lunch
12:00 - Case Studies: Encopresis, Constipation, Abdomino-phrenic Dyssynergia
2:00 - Interactive Case Study
3:00 - Summary and Review
3:30 - Adjourn