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ATH Tabs - Schedule

Day One:
7:30 Registration
8:00 Introductions, goals and objectives
8:30 Anatomy & Biomechanics Review: Global systems integration of the myofascial kinetic chain system and its relationship to the pelvis, pelvic floor and lumbosacral spine.
10:00 Break
10:15 Lab: Differential assessments of lumbar, SIJ and Hip and influence on the pelvic floor
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise and a Global Systems Approach
1:30 Lab: Biomechanical assessment of the kinematic chain & Exercise prescription for the athlete and pelvic rehabilitation: Part 1
3:00 BREAK
4:00 Athletic Pubalgia & Core Muscle Injuries: Surgical management and rehabilitation
4:30 Adjourn


Day Two:
8:00 Review Day 1 Concepts, Q & A
8:30 Urinary Incontinence & the Athlete
9:30 Pelvic Floor manual therapy for the non-internal practitioner
10:15 Break
10:30 Lab: Exercise prescription for the athlete and pelvic rehabilitation: Part 2
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Lab: Exercise prescription for the athlete and pelvic rehabilitation: Part 3
3:00 The Female Athlete: Pregnancy and Post-Partum Considerations
4:00 Summary, Q & A
4:30 Adjourn