Job Board

HHPF Tabs - Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

1. Define the role of rehabilitation in the treatment of pelvic floor disorders to include urinary and fecal incontinence, constipation, urinary retention, prolapse, prostate issues, and pelvic pain.
2. Define the role of the pelvic ring and pelvic floor dysfunction in back, balance, and gait disorders.
3. Perform patient and caregiver interview skills.
4. Demonstrate the administration of functional outcome measures to identify treatable pelvic floor disorders. 
5. Describe treatments for pelvic floor disorders with conditions that lead to the risk of falls, debility, wound development, and re-hospitalization in the homebound patient.
6. Utilize sEMG biofeedback as a teaching aid to rehabilitate the pelvic floor muscle to assist in increasing strength, endurance, and coordination for optimal bladder and bowel function.
7. Instruct behavioral interventions for urinary and fecal dysfunctions to include fluid and dietary modification, urgency management strategies, toileting postural adaptations, and use of adaptive equipment.