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VAG Tabs - Testimonials

"Darla Cathcart was very engaging and knowledgeable. I never felt like there was a section of the course that was “fluff” material or unnecessary. She kept the class moving at the perfect pace. Everything the instructor taught was valuable knowledge and it was great hearing about her clinical experience and personal tips on the topics. She gave very thoughtful responses to specific case questions near the end of the lecture."
Jennifer Aucoin, PT, DPT | Vaginismus and Vulvovaginal Dyspareunia - March 3 2024

"It was my first course at Herman and Wallace and I could not have the best experience ever. The material and content are amazing. The pre-course coursework on Teachable was outstanding and Darla is absolutely a wonderful instructor and added a lot to my professional knowledge. She had so much wisdom in Knowledge, objectivity, humility, and niceness, and she spoke slowly and with excellent diction. Her eyes show how much love she has for what she does. She is amazing! I'm so grateful and I really recommend this course!"
Fernanda Bacchi Ambrosano Giarreta, PT, MPT | Vaginismus and Vulvovaginal Dyspareunia - February 4 2023