Phone Consultations

Phone Consultations

Phone Consultations

Opening your own private practice, but unsure where to start? Starting a hospital- based outpatient pelvic rehab program and want to know what resources you will need? Want to ramp up your clinic's existing marketing efforts, but aren't sure what the first steps to take are? Questions about Insurance? Billing? Documentation? Or would you like to discuss a patient's symptoms and interventions with an experienced pelvic floor rehabilitaiton specialist?

Our faculty members have decades of experience across practice management, documentation, billing, patient care, navigating the complex world of private insurance/Medicare, and everything else invovled in becoming a sucessful professional. There are hundreds of costly mistakes that one can make when starting her own practice, and a short amount of time and money spent with an expert can save you days of work and thousands of dollars. There are pitfalls to avoid, and best practices to follow, and it's best to have an expert on your side advising you.


If you are interested in a phone consultation, Contact Us for a quote.