Butterflies and FICQ

Butterflies and FICQ

Teri Elliott-Burke

This post was written by H&W faculty member Teri Elliott-Burke, PT, MHS, BCB-PMD. Teri will be teaching Pelvic Floor Level 2A in Maywood, IL next month.

A new product has hit the stores – Butterfly Body Liners. These pads are specifically designed to deal with fecal incontinence (aka ABL – Accidental Bowel Leakage). The good news is that advertisements for these pads bring fecal incontinence out in the open. The ads promote discussion of this topic and offer one solution for this condition. A patient first brought this product to my attention. So I thought it would be a good idea for all of you to know about them as well (as I have discussed the concept of the pad with other patients they have liked the idea). However, I would also like to voice two concerns: One is that the pads seem pricey ($.30 each) especially for patients who have to change them often or are on a fixed income. My second reaction is that for some people these small pads don’t have enough capacity to deal with the problem.

I am grateful for the development of pads for this condition, however I find myself frustrated with this advertisement, as well as advertisements for urinary incontinence pads. I find myself wanting to strangle celebrities touting the use of pads (notice so far none of them are willing to own up to fecal incontinence). The pads, which are a necessity for some, offer only a passive solution. The fact that this condition can be accurately diagnosed and treated is never mentioned. Of course, mentioning an active solution doesn’t sell the products. Therefore, we need to be the voices out there letting people know there is an active solution to this issue. This includes marketing to physicians to let them know of the treatment we can provide.

Another “product” related to fecal incontinence is the newly developed Fecal Incontinence and Constipation Questionnaire. (Check out the February 2004 Physical Therapy Journal (PTJ) article that addressed the formation of this questionnaire). This is an exciting development in the area of outcomes questionnaires to address the specific patient population of fecal incontinence and constipation. Although there are other questionnaires available this one was developed specifically for patients seeking put patient rehabilitation services for pelvic-floor dysfunction. This questionnaire has two subscales Fecal Incontinence (FI) and Fecal Constipation (FC). Analysis showed sound psychometric properties of this scale, although further fecal constipation items were recommended to increase content coverage. Reminder: For those of you how are APTA members the PTJ has a app.

If you are treating patients with urinary incontinence, but are not adequately addressing fecal incontinence or constipation you are missing out on giving relief to many people. Make your way to PF2A where issues of constipation and fecal incontinence are addressed.

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The Athlete and the Pelvic Floor

The Athlete and the Pelvic Floor

Michelle Lyons

This post was written by guest-blogger, H&W faculty member Michelle Lyons, PT, MISCP, who will be teaching her brand-new course, The Athlete and the Pelvic Floor, in Columbus,OH in August..

‘I approached my advisor and told him that for my PhD thesis I wanted to study the pelvis." He replied ‘That will be the shortest thesis ever…there are three bones and some ligaments. You will be done by next week.’ I told him ‘I think there is more to it’. (Andry Vleeming Phd 2002)

In sports medicine, the primary source of specialist consultation is the orthopaedic surgeon, who may perform a wide ranging assessment of the musculo-skeletal system with no real evaluation of the pelvic girdle or pelvic floor musculature. The patient is unlikely to be asked about urinary, bowel or sexual dysfunction and often does not volunteer this information unless prompted (Jones et al 2013)

The patient will more than likely then be referred to physical therapy but again, unless we as therapists have the knowledge to combine our orthopaedic, sports medicine and pelvic rehab skillsets, we may not be meeting the needs of our athletic patients.

In my new course for Herman & Wallace, The Athlete and the Pelvic Floor, I will be looking at how specific hip and groin injuries can impact the pelvic girdle and pelvic floor. We know that the most common site of strain is the musculo-tendinous junction of the adductor longus or gracilis muscle, and this is also the most common cause of groin pain in the athlete (Reid 1992). In cases where the athlete recalls a specific traumatic event, the diagnosis is more straightforward, but care must be taken to differentiate between muscle strains and tendonoses/ tendonitis from osteitis pubis, sports hernias and nerve entrapment, which can present with similar symptoms, especially if the athlete presents with insidious onset.

We will investigate differential diagnoses including acetabular tears, a recently recognised source of anterior hip, groin and pelvic pain (Lewis and Sahrmann 2006). Studies have indicated that 22% of athletes with groin pain (Narvani et al 2003) and 55% of patients with mechanical hip pain of unknown aetiology (McCarthy et al 2001) have a labral tear. Athletic pubalgias or sports hernias, are another controversial diagnosis. Although more commonly seen in men, but the female proportion, age, number of sports and soft tissue structures involved have all increased recently (Meyers et al 2008) We will also take into account nerve compressions and look specifically at cycling and genito-urinary symptoms in men and women, the potential mechanisms involved and how we as pelvic therapists can intervene.

It will be an intense two days in Ohio this August as we look at integrating the best of current practices in sports medicine with pelvic assessment and rehabilitation – I hope to see you there!


Reid, D.C. (1992) Sports Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

Lewis, C.L. & Sahrmann (2006) Acetabular labral tears. Physical Therapy 86 (1), 110-121 Narvani et al (2003) Prevalence of acetabular labral tears in sports patients with groin pain Knee surgery, Sports Traumatology & Arthroscopy 11 (6) 403-408

Meyers et al (2008) Experience with sports hernias spanning two decades Annals of Surgery 248 (4)

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Medical Students in the Pelvic Rehab Clinic

Medical Students in the Pelvic Rehab Clinic

Ramona C Horton, MPT

This post was written by guest blogger, H&W instructor Ramona Horton, MPT. Ramona teaches the Visceral Mobilization series of courses, as well as Myofascial Release for Pelvic Dysfunction course.

When I first began working as a pelvic floor PT in the early 90’s (the 1990’s that is), I spent a great deal of time marketing my program to physicians with less than stellar results. Sure, I got the odd referral here and there, but they were mostly the desperation patients that had run out of options. Not to be daunted by lack of success, I opted to present my message directly to the public; I took my “dog and pony show” on the road to senior health fairs, medical study groups and even civic organizations. Any group that was willing to put their comfort level aside and talk about their nether regions was fair game. Over time, the word got out to the physicians (mostly through their patients); our program grew and the need for marketing became a distant memory.

While reading a recent blog post on the subject of students in the pelvic floor rehab clinic by HW faculty member Bridgid Ellingson, I reflected on my current relationship with students in that same setting. Although I have had the traditional senior PT students, I am currently working with those of other medical professions. Yes, it seems the world has come full circle; one of those physicians I annoyed incessantly 20+ years ago until she started sending me patients is now serving as a preceptor for several medical schools. She supervises 4th year medical and PA students for their OB-GYN rotation. During this 6 week rotation, they have clinic hours, deliver babies, observe surgeries and spend a day with me in a pelvic rehab clinic. I try to arrange my schedule to have both male and female patients, a full new patient evaluation, sEMG session, manual therapy, use of RTUS imaging, and exercise programs.

The best part of this arrangement is that the medical students are from two Osteopathic schools. I will unashamedly admit that I am an osteopath wannabe and freely share this with my students. The DO students have a tremendous appreciation for the application of manual therapy techniques such as fascial release and visceral mobilization in the treatment of the uro-gyn patient; this is not a part of their curriculum in osteopathic medical school and are impressed at the level of manual therapy PTs are performing on this population. Both the medical and PA students give positive feedback to their preceptor that they feel this is a worthwhile experience. They are quite amazed to discover the extent to which a pelvic PT can impact bowel, bladder and pain issues, all report that this is completely new, useful information and will impact their referral patterns.

While I occasionally have the reticent patient, in general they are quite willing to allow the students to be present during their treatment session, in fact some even invite the students to palpate or observe their dysfunctions. A number of my patients have been on a long journey to find help for their pelvic issues and welcome the knowledge that they are assisting in educating practitioners of the future. I schedule an observation student about every 6 weeks. There is no paperwork or student evaluation to deal with, all of the education and explanation makes for a long day, but the return is more than worth it. I strongly encourage any who know physicians that precept medical, NP or PA students to offer them time in your pelvic rehab clinic.

This experience has made me realize that students of other professions may indeed be the best untapped marketing tool we can harness without ever opening a single power point file. This experience carries with it a two-fold gain. By educating future practitioners about the value of PT for the treatment of pelvic dysfunction, not only are we planting a seed that will further our profession but more importantly we are providing a more direct route for those seeking care in the maze that is our medical system.

You can catch Ramona teaching a number of events this spring, including Visceral Mobilization Level One in Winfield, IL and the Myofascial Release course in Portland, OR.

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Pelvic Floor course in London, UK

Pelvic Floor course in London, UK

Michelle Lyons

This post was written by guest-blogger, H&W faculty member Michelle Lyons. You can catch Michelle teaching our Pregnancy and Postpartum series courses, Pelvic Floor Series courses, as well as our new courses on Oncology and the Pelvic Floor and the Athlete and the Pelvic Floor. Michelle lives in Ireland and was an integral part of bringing Institute founder, Holly Heman, to the UK to teach two courses this spring.

Two weeks ago, Institute founder Holly Herman took London by storm and presented Pelvic Floor Level 3 to an enraptured audience. Twenty one unsuspecting British and Irish physiotherapists gathered in the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for an unprecedented weekend of pelvic health assessment and treatment techniques. They may have been surprised at the breadth and width of topics covered, from orthopaedics, hormones and surgery, but they weren’t the only ones who got a surprise that weekend.

The night before we started, Holly and I were at the hotel, preparing slides and tweaking the schedule, when a very familiar head popped around the corner – Diane Lee! To say that Holly was surprised would be something of an understatement (I had been sworn to secrecy for months beforehand – dire threats had been issued!) The hilarity and bonhomie that ensued set the tone for the rest of the weekend.

We had a mix of clinicians – physiotherapists who just treated women, those who specialised in all areas of pelvic health and a couple of brave musculoskeletal physios for whom this was their first pelvic floor course! We were lucky to have a great presentation by Jenny Burrell, of Burrell Education, the UK’s leading provider of continuing education to fitpro’s, who highlighted how her profession works with pelvic floor issues with an entertaining and dynamic presentation, and the legendary Diane Lee also gave a presentation on her latest work and research on diastasis. Diane was generous with her time and knowledge throughout the course and I think gained a new insight into the world of pelvic rehab!

Holly also gave a three hour presentation during her time in London, to a large audience containing physiotherapists, doctors, midwives and fitpro’s, including a very dynamic theraband demonstration of the role of the pelvic floor in all aspects of health and function. Special mention must go to Mr Gerard Greene, who played the role of the clitoris with aplomb!

Holly worked tirelessly throughout the weekend to make sure that everyone left on Sunday evening enthused and excited about pelvic rehab and our role as part of the multi-disciplinary team. While British and Irish physiotherapists have traditionally enjoyed more autonomy in the private practice setting (there is a long history of direct access), there is common ground between US therapists and their Irish & English counterparts when it comes to highlighting the broad role of pelvic rehab providers to our medical colleagues and our communities – a great deal of enthusiasm for the international roll out of the PRPC process was observed.

Compliments were flowing throughout the weekend, not only regarding Holly’s fantastic teaching style but on the hugely beneficial resource that the PF3 manual was sure to become. Plans are already afoot for future HW courses on this side of the pond.

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Assessing Co-Morbities with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Assessing Co-Morbities with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Elizabeth Hampton PT, BCIA-PMDB

This post was written by H&W faculty member Elizabeth Hampton, who will be debuting her course, Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain, in May at Marquette University. 

Your client presents with a referral from an OBGYN for evaluation and treatment of vulvodynia. During your evaluation, you confirm that she has pubic symphysis instability and that her vulvar pain reduces by 90% with use of a pelvic compression belt. How do you screen for musculoskeletal dysfunction as well as specific urogyn/colorectal and pelvic floor issues in these complex clients? How do you develop the clinical reasoning methods to prioritize evaluation and treatment interventions? If you send a report back relating her pain to pubic symphysis instability, will the physician think that they sent this client to a PT who doesn’t understand the pelvic floor?

Your next client presents with stress urinary incontinence during box jumps and running, however she has no pelvic floor laxity and her strength is 4/5 bilaterally. She denies leaking with coughing, sneezing, lifting, bending. You notice that she has failed load transfer with jumping, weak abductors and marked anterior pelvic tilt that becomes more exaggerated with jumping. Her thorax is rigid and her habitual breathing method is with full abdominal wall relaxation. She demonstrates that a ‘core contraction’ means to her and she holds her breath and bears down. Is this an unstable urethra due to fascial incompetence, poor motor control or is it driven by her poor shock absorbtion with plyometrics?

Part of the joy of working with clients with pelvic floor dysfunction is the ability to sleuth out musculoskeletal dysfunctions as a contributor and (at times) the primary driver of pelvic floor dysfunction. How do you assess a client who may have much co-morbidity that contributes to her pain? It can feel like there is so much to do and it is hard to know where to start.

The good news is that Herman Wallace has many educational resources to fill your toolbox relating to this topic. In the new course I am debuting through H&W, Finding the Driver in Pelvic Pain, fundamental screening tests for spine, pelvic ring, hip tests are integrated with direct PFM assessment to determine all factors in the evaluation of pelvic floor dysfunction.

Clinical Reasoning is an essential tool in the evaluation and treatment of clients with pelvic floor dysfunction as it enables differential diagnosis and prioritization of treatment interventions. The majority of clients with pelvic floor dysfunction have associated co-morbidities which may include labral tear, femoral acetabular impingement (FAI), discogenic low back pain (LBP), altered respiratory patterns, nerve entrapments, fascial incompetence or coccygeal dysfunction. These complex clients require the clinician to have a comprehensive toolbox to screen both musculoskeletal as well as pelvic floor dysfunctions in order to design an effective treatment regimen. This intermediate- level, 3-day course is designed for rehabilitation professionals treating pelvic pain and elimination disorders who seek additional skills in the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal co-morbidities as well as clinical reasoning with prioritization of interventions. Participants will be provided with differential diagnosis and clinical reasoning that can be applied to their clients immediately. Internal and external pelvic floor assessment is critical for evidence based evaluation and treatment of pelvic pain and elimination disorders. This data, along with the musculoskeletal screening, can determine if the pelvic floor dysfunction is the outcome or the cause of the problem. This intermediate level course is an excellent adjunct for clinicians interested in learning how to evaluate and prioritize the treatment interventions of clients with pelvic floor associated musculoskeletal dysfunction.

Want more from Elizabeth? Join us at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI in May!

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Sexual Medicine course in Dublin, Ireland!

Sexual Medicine course in Dublin, Ireland!

Michelle Lyons

This post was written by guest-blogger, H&W faculty member Michelle Lyons. You can catch Michelle teaching our Pregnancy and Postpartum series courses, Pelvic Floor Series courses, as well as our new courses on Oncology and the Pelvic Floor and the Athlete and the Pelvic Floor. Michelle lives in Ireland and was an integral part of bringing Institute founder, Holly Heman, to the UK to teach two courses this spring.

As a longtime fan of Holly Herman's work, it has been my pleasure to help bring her depths of knowledge and unforgettable teaching style first to London to teach Pelvic Floor Level 3 and then on to Dublin to allow us Irish PT’s the honor of being the first to attend her new course, Sexual Medicine for Women & Men.

We had 26 therapists travel to Dublin from all over Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and England as well as one intrepid PT who flew to us from Saudi Arabia!

irish pts

This is a course unlike any other I have attended – over the course of two intense days, we explored our own sexual perceptions and biases and how by challenging those notions, we can provide even better healthcare to our patients as part of a multi-disciplinary team dealing with sexual health issues.

It is an enormously practical course, not only in exploring the anatomy and physiology of sexual function and dysfunction but also in looking at the essential role therapists must play if we want optimal outcomes for all of our patients.

This course provides the framework for all aspects of assessment and treatment of sexual health issues, all the way from interviewing skills, to building awareness and acceptance of alternative lifestyle choices, and a strong influence on the role of orthopaedic concerns in sexual health. Gender specific issues such as hormonal changes in postpartum and perimenopasual women, and erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease in men were also covered in depth. Participants will leave this course well equipped to understand the different sexual health issues that present to women and men throughout the lifespan, as well as an understanding of transgender, LGBT and heterosexual practices and preferences.

Of course we had to show Holly some Irish hospitality during her visit – a substantial number of us went out to Temple Bar in Dublin’s city centre for feasting and frolics and we introduced Holly to Irish dancing – a true functional test of our pelvic floor integrity! In the late 19th century, Benjamin Jowett said ‘What I don’t know isn’t knowledge’ and the same can be said of Holly Herman. She brings not only an engaging and insightful teaching style, but an incredible depth of knowledge in orthopaedics, pelvic health and sexual function, knowledge which she generously shares with all of her class attendees. Don’t miss the first opportunity to experience this course in the US is coming up soon in Rhode Island – as one of the participants in Dublin commented in her feedback form: ‘it is a life altering course!’

If you would like to catch the Sexual Medicine course in the US, it will be offered in Newport, RI on April 5-6. We hope we can look forward to having you there!

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Childhood Obesity, Pregnancy and the Pelvic PT

Childhood Obesity, Pregnancy and the Pelvic PT

Jenni Gabelsberg  DPT, MSc, MTC

This blog was written by H&W faculty member Jenni Gabelsberg DPT, MSc, MTC, WCS, BCB-PMD. You can catch Jenni teaching Care of the Postpartum Patient later this month in Oakland, CA.

Physical Therapists specializing in Women’s Health are in a unique position to help guide and inspire women during their perinatal years, affecting both the health of the woman, as well as the long-term health of any unborn children.

In a recent study published in The Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, early onset childhood obesity was determined to be one of the leading pediatric health concerns in the US. Women in their peripartum years need to be educated on what the risk factors for childhood obesity are, and how their personal health decisions can affect their children even before they are conceived. These risk factors are stated as being: maternal obesity at time of conception; excessive weight gain during pregnancy; smoking before, during, and/or after pregnancy; and bottle-feeding the infant after birth.

If a child is born of an obese mother, it has been shown that by four years of age, 24% of children were already obese (and only 9% of children born to mothers of normal weight during first trimester of pregnancy). If a mother gained more than the recommended amount of weight during her pregnancy, it has been shown that there is a 6 times increased risk of that child being overweight or obese by preschool. According to the WHO, an obese mom who gains more than the WHO recommended 11-20 pounds during pregnancy has a 48% increased risk of having an overweight or obese child by age 7. Children who are exposed to smoke in utero were both higher risk of being obese in childhood, and also being of shorter stature. And finally, infants who were fed by bottle were shown to have three times greater risk of rapid weight gain compared to those breast-fed in the first three years of life.

These risk factors not only affect the infant’s birth weight, but can also influence their weight as toddlers and preschool ages. According to the WHO, “Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. “ The prevalence of childhood obesity globally is increasing at a rapid rate and has serious implications into adulthood. If children begin life as overweight or obese, they are much more likely to remain obese into adulthood, and also more likely to develop lifelong chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

More information about childhood and adult obesity can be obtained by watching the HBO series “Weight of the Nation”, which has interviews of many researchers who are focusing their studies on the secondary complications of obesity and how we can fight them. As physical therapists treat women during their childbearing years, it is critical that we use that time to educate women on the long term impact of their health choices and inspire them to make positive changes that will impact both their health and their children’s health for the long term.

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Movement and the Pelvic Patient

Movement and the Pelvic Patient

Tracy M. Spitznagle

This blog was written by H&W instructor, Tracy Spitznagle,PT, DPT, MHS, who instructs the Movement Systems Approach course with Herman & Wallace. You can catch Tracy in the next offering of her course, April 12-13 in Houston, TX.

Should pelvic health practitioners be concerned about movement? Based on personal conversations this month, I would argue an emphatic “yes!”

The first part of 2014 has been exciting for me for understanding movement impairment education. Recently, I attended the Washington University Program in Physical Therapy MSI retreat, where discussion focused on movement and the hip. It was an amazingly cool dialog! The retreat was hosted by Dr. Shirley Sahrmann and guest speaker Dr. Donald Neumann. After the retreat, the University had a visiting lectureship and I had the pleasure of having a breakfast meeting with guest speaker Dr Chris Powers. It has been a movement system educational smorgasbord.

Consider this: the physiological system for which physical therapists are responsible is the movement system. Pain in the pelvic region is commonly associated with myofascial pain, but why did the neural muscular system develop the problem pain to touch? I believe the therapist needs to consider how the neuro-muscular components of the lumbopelvic region could be foremost in the cause of the pain.

At this retreat, I had great reaffirmation of my ideas related to movement. According to Chris Powers, “Increased hip adduction with medial rotation is the most common movement impairment during cutting, jumping and running in women with ACL injuries, there is a huge body of research to support this.”

However, the female athlete is not the only one who moves improperly and develops pain and tissue injuries. Women of all ages are more likely to adduct and medially rotate their hip, simply the habit of leg crossing when sitting re-enforces this issue. This movement impairment can be partially explained by the shape of the female pelvis and the architecture of the muscles. Believe it or not, my favorite muscle, (Don Neumann’s, too) the obturator Internus, is implicated in the movement impairment of the female with an ACL injury as well as the female with pain with intercourse.

Don Neumann PT PhD agrees; according to Dr Neumann, “it is logical to consider that the obturator Internus is more susceptible to strain due to the 130 degree turn it takes out of the pelvis.”

Thus, I believe it is logical to test for hip lateral rotation weakness as well as excessive movement in to adduction and medical rotation as a common movement habit of women, and especially women with pain located deep in the pelvis over the region of the obturator internus.

Motion analysis based on the methods developed by Chris Powers requires a lot of expensive equipment to analyze movement and only those who can run, jump and cut benefit from his information. On the other hand, movement testing of simple tasks that you already know how to do (i.e. bending, standing on one leg, and reaching up overhead) are inexpensive tools to evaluate movement. The hardest part is learning what to look for. Once you recognize kinesiological-based movement impairments you can provide corrective activities at a very low overhead!

The Movement course I teach for Herman and Wallace provides the opportunity to learn a basic movement exam that can be used for women of all ages. The course provides an overview of the anatomy of the hip, spine and SIJ and how impairment movement of these regions relate to common pelvic pain conditions you may be treating. This course provides a means for you to specifically educate your patient on how to move with less pain!

Want more from Tracy? Check her out in Houston in April!

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Pediatric Patients and the Pelvic Rehab Therapist

Pediatric Patients and the Pelvic Rehab Therapist

In 2011, H&W was thrilled to add a new course to our list of offerings. Pediatric Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction was a much-needed addition to our pelvic floor courses. Despite the growing number of pelvic rehab specialists treating men and women with PF dysfunction, children in this patient population remain woefully under-served, which can cause undo stress for the child and family, as well as the development of internalizing and externalizing psychological behaviors. Dawn Sandalcidi, the author of this course, and Robin Lund, her co-instructor, sat down with Pelvic Rehab Report to talk more about this course and their work with children.

PRR: Dawn, you developed this course many years ago. What initially inspired you to write this course?

Dawn Sandalcidi

When I set out to create this course, there were no courses offered in pediatrics for pelvic health. There was also nobody doing any pediatric courses when I began this quest.

PRR: How has this course evolved over the years?

My first class had only eight people that attended. I was shocked to see that half of the class were pediatric physical therapists looking to help their patients. At that point in time I realized I needed to rewrite the class to accommodate those learning the pelvic floor information for the first time

PRR: Robin, you will be joining Dawn as a co-instructor of this course in 2014. What pearls of wisdom have you picked up in your clinical practice that you'd like to pass onto course participants?

Robin Lund

The only population I work with is pediatrics, usually up to 18 years of age, but sometimes up to mid 20's. Children coming to me for treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction are usually between the ages of 5 and 14 years old, but sometimes I treat children slightly younger or older than this. I am specialized in the treatment of torticollis also, so I work with babies a lot. What i've learned is:

1.) Most incontinence symptoms I see are caused or worsened by constipation and most of the time parents don't know their children are constipated because they are "going" every day. If you don't hit constipation management hard in your treatment plan, you will rarely be 100% successful.

2.) Another thing I have learned is that pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists often just treat the symptoms and are not always aggressive enough in their management of constipation. I educate my parents on constipation and its effect on bladder and bowel dysfunction and he;p them become good advocates for their child so they can get more action from their doctor.

3.) Work extra hard to earn your pediatric patient's trust and friendship. You will soon become their favorite person and they will want to please you and will work harder on their home program.

PRR: What can you tell us about this course that isn't covered in the description and objectives?

Dawn: It will change your life and the lives of your patients. Pediatrics is a career changing specialty that you will fall in love with!

Why should a therapist take this course? How can these skill sets benefit his/ her practice?

Dawn: Most of us see patients who are adults who also have children with bowel and bladder issues. The pediatric patient suffers most. Not only is a problem for the child but it's also a problem for his/her entire family. We know, based on the literature, that children suffer significantly with psychological disorders related to bowel and bladder issues. The change you see in the child and the family when their discharge from therapy is remarkable!

If you'd like to learn more from Dawn and Robin, we will be offering the Pediatric course twice in 2014. The first offering will be in Nashua, NH in April. The second event will take place in Greenvile, SC in August.

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Manual Movement Therapy and Biomechanics and the Pelvis

Manual Movement Therapy and Biomechanics and the Pelvis


Last August, H&W sponsored a brand-new course, Biomechanical Assessment of the Hip & Pelvis: Manual Movement Therapy and the Myofascial Sling System. This course is written and instructed by Steve Dischiavi, MPT, ATC, MTC, CSCS, and covers advanced training in hip and pelvic biomechanics, functional “slings” created by the myofascial system, and use of high level sports medicine theory and applied science.

The course received excellent feedback from participants, so we are thrilled to be offering this course again in 2014. The course will be offered: August 16-17, 2014 in Arlington, VA. We sat down with Steve to see what he learned from his first time teaching with H&W, and what participants can look forward to in 2014.

PRR: You taught this course for H&W for the first time in 2013. What did you learn from your first time teaching this course with H&W?

I honestly was pleasantly surprised. The initial goal of the class was to bring a sports medicine approach to the women’s health arena. I really wanted the women’s health therapist to see how important that specialty area is to orthopedic and sports medicine type clients. The feedback was great. The class was made up mostly of traditional women’s health type therapists who treat women’s health clients almost exclusively. There were a couple of people who do women’s health and ortho clients and there were a couple sports medicine outpatient orthopedic therapists. The whole spectrum of clinicians was represented and the feedback was just as I hoped it would be. The woman’s health PTs seem to take away a lot of the exercises and maybe gave some consideration to the theory I was presenting. I felt the class was engaged and offered great questions. The thing I learned the most after my first class with Herman & Wallace is that there is a place for this class at H&W and hopefully more outpatient orthopedic PTs will take this class and realize their traditional approaches need to have more of a women’s health influence or they will be missing a huge opportunity at better outcomes with their clients.

Were there any surprises? How did feedback from participants inform the evolution of this course as you prepare to teach in 2014?

The biggest surprise to me was that the class was almost all traditional women’s health PTs. I thought there would be more sports medicine type therapists. I think this will take time because I don’t think the traditional sports medicine PT would look to H&W for continuing education. This is exactly the reason for this class. I am very excited, passionate, and proud to be representing H&W as they help the sports medicine and orthopedic PTs integrate more of the realm of women’s health into their existing practice patterns.

What were the most common questions asked by participants during the course? How does the course address frequent questions/misconceptions therapists might have about this topic?

Most everyone in the course wanted me to continually give examples and discuss cases that were not professional athletes. I work with a pro sports team so the majority of my videos and case examples come from this population. I have tried extremely hard to make sure the theories and ideas I am presenting can be extrapolated to the young and elderly clients. I have done a better job integrating videos from these populations and taking time to extrapolate the exercises progressions for all patient populations. This will continue as I tweak the class materials and I am aware of this and I do make specific efforts to make sure the course covers all ages.

This class is based in human movement and neurology: something all of our clients have in common. There are a great number of examples from the athletic community in the class but this is only because these are the types of clients I work with on a daily basis. As I mentioned I have used clients in my private practice who are both young and old and tried to use these clients as examples as well. This way the class participant can see the thoughts, theories, and exercises with clients of all ages.

If you'd like to read what a past participant thought of her experience at this course, check out the Pelvc Rehab Report by guest blogger Janna Trottier, PT, DPT, CSCS. If you'd like to hear more from Steve, consider joining us in August for this course.

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All Upcoming Continuing Education Courses